Man pages for davidcarslaw/openair
Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data

aqStatsCalculate summary statistics for air pollution data by year
binDataBin data, calculate mean and bootstrap 95 % confidence...
bootMeanDFBootsrap confidence intervals in the mean
calcFno2Estimate NO2/NOX emission ratios from monitoring data
calcPercentileCalculate percentile values from a time series
calendarPlotPlot time series values in a conventional calendar format
conditionalEvalConditional quantile estimates with additional variables for...
conditionalQuantileConditional quantile estimates for model evaluation
corPlotCorrelation matrices with conditioning
cutDataFunction to split data in different ways for conditioning
drawOpenKeyScale key handling for openair
importADMSCERC Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS) data...
importEuropeImport air quality data from European database
importKCLImport data from King's College London networks
importMetaImport monitoring site meta data for UK and European networks
importTrajImport pre-calculated HYSPLIT 96-hour back trajectories
importUKAQImport data from the UK Air Pollution Networks
importUKAQ-wrapperImport data from individual UK Air Pollution Networks
linearRelationLinear relations between pollutants
modStatsCalculate common model evaluation statistics
mydataExample data for openair
openair-packageopenair: Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data
openColoursPre-defined openair colours and definition of user-defined...
percentileRoseFunction to plot percentiles by wind direction
polarAnnulusBivariate polarAnnulus plot
polarClusterK-means clustering of bivariate polar plots
polarDiffPolar plots considering changes in concentrations between two...
polarFreqFunction to plot wind speed/direction frequencies and other...
polarPlotFunction for plotting bivariate polar plots with smoothing.
pollutionRosePollution rose variation of the traditional wind rose plot
quickTextAutomatic text formatting for openair
rollingMeanCalculate rollingMean values
runRegressionRolling regression for pollutant source characterisation.
scatterPlotFlexible scatter plots
selectByDateSubset a data frame based on date
selectRunningFunction to extract run lengths greater than a threshold
smoothTrendCalculate nonparametric smooth trends
splitByDateDivide up a data frame by time
summaryPlotFunction to rapidly provide an overview of air quality data
TaylorDiagramTaylor Diagram for model evaluation with conditioning
TheilSenTests for trends using Theil-Sen estimates
timeAverageFunction to calculate time averages for data frames
timePlotPlot time series
timePropTime series plot with categories shown as a stacked bar chart
timeVariationDiurnal, day of the week and monthly variation
trajClusterCalculate clusters for back trajectories
trajLevelTrajectory level plots with conditioning
trajPlotTrajectory line plots with conditioning
trendLevelPlot heat map trends
windRoseTraditional wind rose plot
davidcarslaw/openair documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 12:32 p.m.