importADMS: CERC Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS) data...

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importADMSR Documentation

CERC Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS) data import function(s) for openair


Function(s) to import various ADMS file types into openair. Currently handles ".met", ".bgd", ".mop" and ".pst" file structures. Uses utils::read.csv() to read in data, format for R and openair and apply some file structure testing.


  file = file.choose(),
  file.type = "unknown", = TRUE,
  drop.input.dates = TRUE,
  keep.units = TRUE,
  simplify.names = TRUE,
  test.file.structure = TRUE,
  drop.delim = TRUE,
  add.prefixes = TRUE,
  names = NULL,
  all = FALSE,



The ADMS file to be imported. Default, file.choose() opens browser. Use of utils::read.csv() also allows this to be a readable text-mode connection or url (although these options are currently not fully tested).


Type of ADMS file to be imported. With default, "unknown", the import uses the file extension to identify the file type and, where recognised, uses this to identify the file structure and import method to be applied. Where file extension is not recognised the choice may be forced by setting file.type to one of the known file.type options: "bgd", "met", "mop" or "pst".

Option to convert all data names to lower case. Default, TRUE. Alternative, FALSE, returns data with name cases as defined in file.


Option to remove ADMS "hour", "day", and "year" data columns after generating openair "date" timeseries. Default, TRUE. Alternative, FALSE, returns both "date" and the associated ADMS data columns as part of openair data frame.


Option to retain ADMS data units. Default, TRUE, retains units (if recoverable) as character vector in data frame comment if defined in file. Alternative, FALSE, discards units. (NOTE: currently, only .bgd and .pst files assign units. So, this option is ignored when importing .met or .mop files.)


Option to simplify data names in accordance with common openair practices. Default, TRUE. Alternative, FALSE, returns data with names as interpreted by standard R. (NOTE: Some ADMS file data names include symbols and structures that R does not allow as part of a name, so some renaming is automatic regardless of simplify.names setting. For example, brackets or symbols are removed from names or replaced with ".", and names in the form "1/x" may be returned as "X1.x" or "recip.x".)


Option to test file structure before trying to import. Default, TRUE, tests for expected file structure and halts import operation if this is not found. Alternative, FALSE, attempts import regardless of structure.


Option to remove delim columns from the data frame. ADMS .mop files include two columns, "INPUT_DATA:" and "PROCESSED_DATA:", to separate model input and output types. Default, TRUE, removes these. Alternative, FALSE, retains them as part of import. (Note: Option ignored when importing .bgd, .met or .pst files.)


Option to add prefixes to data names. ADMS .mop files include a number of input and process data types with shared names. Prefixes can be automatically added to these so individual data can be readily identified in the R/openair environment. Default, TRUE, adds "process." as a prefix to processed data. Other options include: FALSE which uses no prefixes and leave all name rationalisation to R, and character vectors which are treated as the required prefixes. If one vector is sent, this is treated as processed data prefix. If two (or more) vectors are sent, the first and second are treated as the input and processed data prefixes, respectively. For example, the argument (add.prefixes="out") would add the "out" prefix to processed data names, while the argument (add.prefixes=c("in","out")) would add "in" and "out" prefixes to input and output data names, respectively. (Note: Option ignored when importing .bgd, .met or .pst files.)


Option applied by simplifyNamesADMS when simplify.names is enabled. All names are simplified for the default setting, NULL.


For .MOP files, return all variables or not. If all = TRUE a large number of processed variables are returned.


Arguments passed on to utils::read.csv


a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "" (the default for read.table) the separator is ‘white space’, that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns.


the set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "". See scan for the behaviour on quotes embedded in quotes. Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.


the character used in the file for decimal points.


logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length, blank fields are implicitly added. See ‘Details’.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


The importADMS function were developed to help import various ADMS file types into openair. In most cases the parent import function should work in default configuration, e.g. mydata <- importADMS(). The function currently recognises four file formats: .bgd, .met, .mop and .pst. Where other file extensions have been set but the file structure is known, the import call can be forced by, e.g, mydata <- importADMS(file.type="bgd"). Other options can be adjusted to provide fine control of the data structuring and renaming.


In standard use importADMS() returns a data frame for use in openair. By comparison to the original file, the resulting data frame is modified as follows:

Time and date information will combined in a single column "date", formatted as a conventional timeseries (as.POSIX*). If drop.input.dates is enabled data series combined to generated the new "date" data series will also be removed.

If simplify.names is enabled common chemical names may be simplified, and some other parameters may be reset to openair standards (e.g. "ws", "wd" and "temp") according to operations defined in simplifyNamesADMS. A summary of simplification operations can be obtained using, e.g., the call importADMS(simplify.names).

If is enabled all upper case characters in names will be converted to lower case.

If keep.units is enabled data units information may also be retained as part of the data frame comment if available.

With .mop files, input and processed data series names may also been modified on the basis of drop.delim and add.prefixes settings


Times are assumed to be in GMT. Zero wind directions reset to 360 as part of .mop file import.


Karl Ropkins, David Carslaw and Matthew Williams (CERC).

See Also

Other import functions: importAURN(), importEurope(), importKCL(), importMeta(), importTraj(), importUKAQ()


#example 1
#To be confirmed

#all current simplify.names operations

#to see what simplify.names does to adms data series name PHI <- importADMS(simplify.names, names="PHI")

davidcarslaw/openair documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 1:45 a.m.