ptpi: Peak to Peak Iteration

ptpiR Documentation

Peak to Peak Iteration


Estimates the initial sizes of the susceptible, infected, and removed populations from a periodic, equally spaced incidence time series and other data. Interpret with care, notably when supplying time series that are only “roughly” periodic.


ptpi(series, constants, a = 0L, b = nrow(series) - 1L,
     tol = 1e-03, iter.max = 32L,
     complete = FALSE, backcalc = FALSE, ...)



a “multiple time series” object, inheriting from class mts, with three columns storing (“parallel”, equally spaced) time series of incidence, births, and the per capita natural mortality rate, in that order.


a numeric vector of the form c(Sa, Ia, Ra, gamma, delta), specifying a starting value for the state at time a and rates of removal and loss of immunity, in that order.


the time of the first peak in the incidence time series. It is rounded internally to generate a 0-index of rows of series.


the time of the last peak in the incidence time series that is in phase with the first. It is rounded internally to generate a 0-index of rows of series.


a tolerance indicating a stopping condition; see ‘Details’.


the maximum number of iterations.


a logical indicating if the result should preserve the state at times a, ..., b in each iteration.


a logical indicating if the state at time 0 should be back-calculated.


optional arguments passed to deconvolve, if the first column of series represents reported incidence or mortality rather than incidence.


ptpi works by computing the iteration described in fastbeta from time t = a to time t = b, iteratively, until the relative difference between the states at times a and b descends below a tolerance. The state at time a in the first iteration is specified by the user. In subsequent iterations, it is the value of the state at time b calculated in the previous iteration.

If backcalc = FALSE, then ptpi returns a list with component value equal to the state at time b in the last iteration. By periodicity, this value estimates the “true” state at time a.

If backcalc = TRUE, then value is back-calculated so that it estimates the “true” state at time 0. This works by inverting the transformation defining one step of the iteration, hence (components of) the back-calculated result can be nonsense if the inverse problem is ill-conditioned.


A list with elements:


the estimated value of the initial state, which is the state at time a if backcalc = FALSE and the state at time 0 if backcalc = TRUE.


the relative difference computed in the last iteration.


the number of iterations performed.


if complete = TRUE, then a “multiple time series” object, inheriting from class mts, with dimensions c(b-a+1, 3, iter). X[, , i] gives the state at times a, ..., b in iteration i.


Jagan, M., deJonge, M. S., Krylova, O., & Earn, D. J. D. (2020). Fast estimation of time-varying infectious disease transmission rates. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(9), Article e1008124, 1-39. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008124")}


data(sir.e01, package = "fastbeta")
a <- attributes(sir.e01)

## We suppose that we have perfect knowledge of incidence,
## births, and the data-generating parameters, except for
## the initial state, which we "guess"
series <- cbind(sir.e01[, c("Z", "B")], mu = a[["mu"]](0))
colnames(series) <- c("Z", "B", "mu") # FIXME: stats:::cbind.ts mangles dimnames
constants <- c(Sa = sir.e01[[1L, "S"]],
               Ia = sir.e01[[1L, "I"]],
               Ra = sir.e01[[1L, "R"]],
               gamma = a[["gamma"]],
               delta = a[["delta"]])

plot(series[, "Z"])
a <- 8; b <- 216
abline(v = c(a, b), lty = 2)

L <- ptpi(series, constants, a = a, b = b, complete = TRUE, tol = 1e-06)

S <- L[["X"]][, "S", ]
plot(S, plot.type = "single")
lines(sir.e01[, "S"], col = "red", lwd = 4) # the "truth"
abline(h = L[["value"]]["S"], v = a, col = "blue", lwd = 4, lty = 2)

## The relative error
L[["value"]]["S"] / sir.e01[1L + a, "S"] - 1

davidearn/fastbeta documentation built on April 30, 2024, 2:35 a.m.