Man pages for davidgohel/R2DOCX
Create MS docx documents from R

addImage-methodsInsert an external image into the docx document
addLineBreak-methodsInsert a page break into the docx document
addPageBreak-methodsInsert a page break into the docx document
addParagraph-methodsInsert a paragraph of text into the docx document
addPlot-methodsInsert a plot into the docx document
addTable-methodsInsert a table into the docx document
addTOC-methodsInsert a table of contents into the docx document
DocxMicrosoft Word document representation - class '"Docx"'
R2DOCX-packageMicrosoft Word document generation from R
styles-methodsGet existing styles
writeDoc-methodsWrite the docx document in a docx file.
davidgohel/R2DOCX documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:13 p.m.