knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library( magrittr )
options("ReporteRs-fontsize" = 11)

A pot object (pieces of text or paragraph of text) is made of one or more chunk of text with different formatting properties.


ReporteRs provide a class of object to enable text formatting: pot objects.

pot objects are created with function pot. These objects can be concatenated: an object can be added with another pot object or with a single text value (a character vector of length 1).

A pot object is a set of text chunks, each chunk is associated with its own font properties. A Footnote and an hyperlink can be associated to a pot object.

When \\n is used, a soft return is used.

These objects are to be used when adding paragraphs into a document or when working with FlexTable.

pot('Hello World!')
pot('Hello') + ' ' + pot( 'World!', textItalic() )
pot( 'Cats', textProperties( color = 'orange' ) ) + ' and ' + 
  pot('dogs', textBold( color = '#E74C3C' ) )


The function pot has two arguments:

The following code show usage of these parameters:

my_text_prop <- textProperties(color='#1163A5',
  font.size = 20, font.weight = 'bold', = 'Courier New' )

my_text <- pot( value = 'My tailor', format = my_text_prop ) +
  ' is rich. ' +
  pot( value = 'Cats', format = chprop( my_text_prop, color = '#F0A91B') ) +
  ' and ' +
  pot( value = 'dogs', format = chprop( my_text_prop, color = '#D63C3A') )


add paragraphs

mydoc = docx( )
mydoc = addParagraph( mydoc, value = my_text )

It produces this document.

add into FlexTable

MyFTable = FlexTable( data = mtcars[1:5, ], add.rownames = TRUE )
MyFTable = addFooterRow( MyFTable, value = '',colspan = ncol(mtcars) + 1)
MyFTable[1,1, to = 'footer'] = my_text



Hyperlink can be added to pot objects.

Use argument hyperlink with function pot.

Here is an example:

pot( 'Cats', hyperlink = '',
  textBoldItalic( color = '#428BCA', underline = TRUE ) ) 


pot_img have been implemented to let you arrange text (pot) and images(pot_img) into a paragraph.

img.file <- file.path( Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "doc", "html", "logo.jpg" )

mypot <- "This paragraph mix an image and text into a paragraph: " + pot_img(filename = img.file, width = .3, height = .3) + pot( '4Cats', textBoldItalic( color = '#428BCA', underline = TRUE ) )

MyFTable = FlexTable( data = mtcars[1:5, ], add.rownames = TRUE )
MyFTable[1,1, to = "header"] <- mypot

This feature is not available when working with pptx object (and you can't mix text and images in PowerPoint).


Footnotes can be added to pot objects.

Use objects of class Footnote to create a Footnote. Function pot has an argument footnote to specify which Footnote to use. If missing, no footnote will be added.

Footnote are not supported within PowerPoint documents.

Word example

library( ReporteRs )

footnote1 = Footnote( )
footnote1 = addParagraph( footnote1, pot('About this reference', textBold( ) ) )

mydoc = docx( )
mydoc = addParagraph(mydoc, pot('Latius iam disseminata licentia', footnote = footnote1 ) )

davidgohel/ReporteRs documentation built on March 23, 2020, 11 p.m.