#' Sf ggplot
#' @description Create a blank ggplot with a wrapper around [ggplot2::ggplot()] + [geom_sf()][ggplot2::geom_sf()].
#' @inheritParams gg_blanket
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' set_blanket()
#' if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |>
#' gg_sf(
#' col = AREA,
#' )
#' }
gg_sf <- function(data = NULL,
stat = "sf",
position = "identity",
coord = ggplot2::coord_sf(clip = "off"),
theme = NULL, theme_orientation = NULL, theme_axis_line_rm = NULL, theme_axis_ticks_rm = NULL, theme_panel_grid_rm = NULL, blend = NULL,
x = NULL,
xmin = NULL,
xmax = NULL,
xend = NULL,
y = NULL,
ymin = NULL,
ymax = NULL,
yend = NULL,
z = NULL,
col = NULL,
facet = NULL,
facet2 = NULL,
group = NULL,
subgroup = NULL,
label = NULL,
text = NULL,
sample = NULL,
mapping = NULL,
x_breaks = NULL, x_breaks_n = NULL,
x_expand = NULL,
x_expand_limits = NULL,
x_label = NULL, x_labels = NULL,
x_position = "bottom",
x_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(), x_symmetric = NULL, x_transform = NULL,
y_breaks = NULL, y_breaks_n = NULL,
y_expand = NULL,
y_expand_limits = NULL,
y_label = NULL, y_labels = NULL,
y_position = "left",
y_sec_axis = ggplot2::waiver(),
y_symmetric = NULL,
y_transform = NULL,
col_breaks = NULL, col_breaks_n = 5,
col_drop = FALSE,
col_expand_limits = NULL,
col_label = NULL, col_labels = NULL,
col_legend_ncol = NULL,
col_legend_nrow = NULL,
col_legend_rev = FALSE,
col_palette = NULL,
col_palette_na = NULL,
col_rescale = scales::rescale(),
col_steps = FALSE,
col_transform = NULL,
facet_axes = NULL,
facet_axis_labels = "margins",
facet_drop = FALSE,
facet_labels = NULL,
facet_layout = NULL,
facet_ncol = NULL,
facet_nrow = NULL,
facet_scales = "fixed",
facet_space = "fixed",
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
label_case = NULL) {
data = data,
geom = "sf",
stat = stat,
position = position,
coord = coord,
theme = theme, theme_orientation = theme_orientation, theme_axis_line_rm = theme_axis_line_rm , theme_axis_ticks_rm = theme_axis_ticks_rm, theme_panel_grid_rm = theme_panel_grid_rm, blend = blend,
x = {{ x }},
y = {{ y }},
xmin = {{ xmin }},
xmax = {{ xmax }},
xend = {{ xend }},
ymin = {{ ymin }},
ymax = {{ ymax }},
yend = {{ yend }},
z = {{ z }},
col = {{ col }},
facet = {{ facet }},
facet2 = {{ facet2 }},
group = {{ group }},
subgroup = {{ subgroup }},
label = {{ label }},
text = {{ text }},
sample = {{ sample }},
mapping = mapping,
x_breaks = x_breaks,
x_expand = x_expand,
x_expand_limits = x_expand_limits,
x_labels = x_labels,
x_breaks_n = x_breaks_n,
x_sec_axis = x_sec_axis,
x_symmetric = x_symmetric, x_position = x_position,
x_label = x_label,
x_transform = x_transform,
y_breaks = y_breaks,
y_expand = y_expand,
y_expand_limits = y_expand_limits,
y_labels = y_labels,
y_breaks_n = y_breaks_n,
y_sec_axis = y_sec_axis,
y_symmetric = y_symmetric, y_position = y_position,
y_label = y_label,
y_transform = y_transform,
col_breaks = col_breaks,
col_drop = col_drop,
col_expand_limits = col_expand_limits,
col_labels = col_labels,
col_legend_ncol = col_legend_ncol,
col_legend_nrow = col_legend_nrow,
col_legend_rev = col_legend_rev,
col_breaks_n = col_breaks_n,
col_palette = col_palette,
col_palette_na = col_palette_na,
col_rescale = col_rescale,
col_steps = col_steps,
col_label = col_label,
col_transform = col_transform,
facet_axes = facet_axes,
facet_axis_labels = facet_axis_labels,
facet_drop = facet_drop,
facet_labels = facet_labels,
facet_layout = facet_layout,
facet_ncol = facet_ncol,
facet_nrow = facet_nrow,
facet_scales = facet_scales,
facet_space = facet_space,
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
caption = caption,
label_case = label_case,
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