davidkane9/kmatching: Creates random vectors fulfilling constraints

Given a data frame, extract the matching vectors and weight vectors from the data set. The matching vectors and the weight vectors form a linear constraint Aw=b. Then, sample uniformly from the positive solution space of Aw=b, using hit-and-run algorithm. Return the sampled w's as the weights.

Getting started

Package details

Authoras.person(c( "Miller Zijie Zhu <zijie.zhu@williams.edu> [aut]", "Andy Yao <ay3@williams.edu> [aut]", "David Kane <dave.kane@gmail.com> [aut]", "Yuanchu Dang <yuanchu.dang@williams.edu> [aut]", "Mike Flynn <mflynn210@@gmail.com> [aut]" ))
MaintainerMiller Zijie Zhu <zz4@williams.edu>, Andy Yao <ay3@williams.edu>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
davidkane9/kmatching documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:14 a.m.