
#' Williams College Graduates
#' A tibble containing information for 8,893 graduates of Williams
#' College, classes of 2001 through 2016, extracted from the 
#' course catalog. Created by running \code{create_graduates()}.
#' @source \url{https://catalog.williams.edu/archive/}
#' @format A tibble with 8,893 rows and 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{year}{year of graduation}
#'     \item{first.name}{first name of graduate}
#'     \item{last.name}{last name of graduate}
#'     \item{gender}{based on \code{first.name}, using the gender package.}
#'     \item{race}{based on \code{last.name}, mainly using the wru package. Values are "Asian", "Black", "Hispanic", "Other", and "White"}
#'     \item{latin.honors}{character, Latin Honors recieved by graduate, if any}
#'     \item{Phi.Beta.Kappa}{logical, indicates Phi Beta Kappa membership}
#'     \item{Sigma.Xi}{logical, indicates Sigma Xi membership}
#'     \item{honor}{first department honor awarded, if any. A handful
#'       of graduates receive honors in two departments. We provide only the 
#'       first. Values are "honors" or "highest honors"}
#'     \item{major}{character, academic field in which graduate won primary honor,
#'        if any}
#' }
davidkane9/williams documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:14 a.m.