
Auxilliary functions to make R code more declarative


R code can quickly become complex. Unsurprisingly, some great packages have been developed that help to simplify R code. Examples are magrittR and wrapr. These packages add some custom operators to the R language that make complex code a lot more readable. Take MagrittR for example: their %>% operator allows multiple nested function calls to be expressed as nead pipelines:

Example using traditional R functions:

            c("a", "b", "c"),     
                upper = "T"       
        ), 2                      

Example using magrittR:

   c("a", "b", "c") %>%
       casefold(upper = "T") %>%

From functions to pipes to declarativeR

As the aforementioned examples show, pipes can make R code a lot better to read. The declarativeR package provides some additional functions and operators to furthermore simplify R code.

These additions include a number of operators to facilitate short hand code for flow control (e.g., %if% and %xor%), pipe operators to apply functions over lists (e.g., %>lapply%), set operators to simplify common set operations (e.g., %union%) and string operators (e.g., %+%).

1. Flow control

1.1. %if% and %if.not%

The declarativeR package provides shorthand operators for if and 'if not'. Standard syntax:

do x %if% (condition)

do x %if.not% (condition)

So the left hand side is executed if the condition on the right hand side is met. Note that if the left hand side is an assign operation, a null value is assigned if no brackets are placed around the statement.


    # (1a) - conditional assignment; null assigned if false 
    x <- "value" %if% (condition)

    # (1b) - conditional assignment; not executed if false
    {x <- "value"} %if.not% (condition)

    # (2) - block of code conditional (requires magrittR)
        x %>% 
           fun1 %>% 

    } %if% (condition)

1.2. %xor%

The exclusive or operator is included in R as a function. delcarativeR adds a trivial operator version, namely %xor%.

2. Apply functions over lists

R's built in apply operators can be very handy to shorten existing code, but these functions typically introduce a lot of brackets in the code. Both magrittR and declarativeR can be used to get rid of these, and produce more readable code.

%>lapply% and %>sapply%

These operators simplify the common task of applying one or more functions on a list of items. The piping style is analoguous to the magrittR pipe operator.

See the following example, in which two functions are applied in succession on one list of vectors.


    # Define some input list
    input <- list(a = c(1,2,3),       
                  b = c(4,4,5), 
                  c = c(1,2,3,4,5))

    # ------------------------------------------------# 
    # Task:                                           #
    # ------------------------------------------------#
    #    - sum the vectors in input;                  #
    #    - take the square root of each sum;          #
    #    - return as a (named) vector.                #
    # ------------------------------------------------#

    # (a) Standard R:
    sapply(lapply(input, sum), sqrt)

    # (b) Using magrittR's pipe operator:
    input %>% lapply(sum) %>% sapply(sqrt)

    # (c) Using declarativeR's lapply operator:
    input %>lapply% sum %>sapply% sqrt

    # ------------------------------------------------# 
    # Output:                                         #
    # ------------------------------------------------#    
    # a        b        c                             #
    # 2.449490 3.605551 3.872983                      #
    # ------------------------------------------------#    

3. Working with sets

3.1. %union%, %intersect%, and %setdiff%

Standard R has set functions such as union(), intersect() and setdiff() functions. In declarativeR, one can use the corresponding operators.


    # Define some input vectors:
    a <- c("a","b","c")
    b <- c("a","d")

    # Return the union of a and b:
    a %union% b

    # Return the intersect of a and b:
    a %intersect% b

    # Returns a minus all elements that exist in b:
    a %setdiff% b

    # Calculate the jaccard similarity between a and b:
    (a %intersect% b %>% length) / 
        (a %union% b %>% length)

3.2. Set metrics (similarity, distance)


Calculate the Jaccard similarity coefficient of set a and b.


Calculate the Hamming distance between two equally length strings or vectors.


4. String handling


Calculate the Hamming distance between two strings or vectors of possibly unequal length.

davidmacro/declarativeR documentation built on Sept. 18, 2021, 7:21 p.m.