
My Doctoral Journey


As I pursue my doctorate I have to think about how I will produce and organize my thoughts, papers, assignments, and anything else to do with the program. I have decided to create an R package project. Why? I am not sure yet, however my gut is telling me to go this way. Probably for reproducibility and portability of my work. I also want to see if it is a useful model for producing and capturing work product.

I will do all my work in R and RStudio to see if it is an acceptable and useful method for collecting and organizing all my thoughts and work. The package will contain all data sets and code I will use in my research, any papers or presentations and of course, my ramblings. I am doing this primarily for myself, however I may release this later, to see if it may be useful to others.

I will use the package bookdown to organize all my work. This package focuses on the features to writing books, long-form article, or reports, such as

You can use anything that Pandoc's Markdown supports, e.g.,a math equation $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$.

I will detail how I set this package up and the structure of the book in later chapters. For now, if you want to compile the book, you have to install the development versions of bookdown from Github, at the time of this writing:

```{r eval=FALSE} devtools::install_github("rstudio/bookdown")

You should also review the book [*Bookdown: Authoring Bools with R Markdown*](
to understand how to create your own publication.

# Structure and Setup {#setup}

In this section I will keep notes on how I am structuring the package, a description of the folders, a
list of all the pakcages I am using and how I set up the bookdown folder. You may get more inforamtion than
you want or need, but for now I want capture it all, I will edit when I am done.

## Project setup

## Folders

### classnotes

Contains my notes for each class

### data

All data used for analyis

### dissertation

All my notes, research and final paper

### doc
Useful doumnents I want to keep

### images

Images Used in the markdown files

### man

Any manuals I create for this package

### Notebook

See Bookdown setup section \@ref(bookdown-setup)

### papers

This folder contains the papers written through out the courses. Once completed I will copy them into 
the notebook folder into the appropriate chapter.

### presentations

This folder contains the presentations written through out the courses. Once completed I will copy them into 
the notebook folder into the appropriate chapter.

### R
 R code I develop to run analysis

## Bookdown setup {#bookdown-setup}

One of the first things I noticed was I was unable to render the book usign the `Build` tab in RStudio. My
thought is, since I did not set up the book as its own bookdown project I could not use it. Reading through
the *Autnoring Books with R Markdown*, I found in the Usage section I could add the follwing YAML fields, in
`index.RMD`,  to allow me to render the book using the `Knit` bitton in RStudio.

knit: "bookdown::render_book"
    lib_dir: "Notebook"
    keep_tex: yes

Packages Used

List of Packages I will be using



papaja is a R-package in the making including a RMarkdown template that can be used with RStudio (or without) to produce complete manuscripts (PDF and Word documents) devtools::install_github("crsh/papaja")

davidmeza1/MezaEdD documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:15 a.m.