ex_field_data: Example of raw focal observations' data

Description Usage Format Details


A data frame containing an hypothetical (randomly generated) focal observations' data set to be passed to dtable(). This example contains 100 focal samples in a group of 9 subjects.




Data frame containing raw focal observations' data, referring to dyadic social interactions. This data frame contains one focal observation per row and 3 columns:


focal subject's identification code.


recorded social interactions (SIs) in each focal sample.


observer's identification code.


In this example two different SIs were recorded (coded + and -); SIs codes, subjects' id codes, and separation characters should not overlap. The . character is used to separate subjects' id codes from the SIs' codes, and the ; character is used to separate different SIs occurring within the same focal sample. Whenever a subject's id appears before a SI's code it means that, that subject initiated a SI with the focal subject (see row 6); whenever a subject's id appears after the SI's it means that the focal subject (id1 column) initiated a SI with that subject (see row 4). For example, the 4th row indicates that the focal subject s1 initiated a + social interaction with subject s4, while the 6th row indicates that the focal subject s5 was involved in two social interactions- the first initiated by s4 (-), the second (+) initiated by s2. 0s in this column refer to focal observations where no SIs were recorded, and xs refer to focal observations where the focal subject was unavailable for observation.

davidnsousa/bor documentation built on May 4, 2021, 1:57 p.m.