Man pages for dazzimonti/anMC
Compute High Dimensional Orthant Probabilities

ANMC_GaussANMC estimate for the remainder
anMC-packageanMC: Compute High Dimensional Orthant Probabilities
conservativeEstimateComputationally efficient conservative estimate
get_chronotimeMeasure elapsed time with C++11 chrono library
MC_GaussMC estimate for the remainder
mvrnormArmaSample from multivariate normal distribution with C++
ProbaMaxProbability of exceedance of maximum of Gaussian vector
ProbaMinProbability of exceedance of minimum of Gaussian vector
selectActiveDimsSelect active dimensions for small dimensional estimate
selectQdimsIteratively select active dimensions
trmvrnorm_rej_cppSample from truncated multivariate normal distribution with...
dazzimonti/anMC documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 10:18 p.m.