
First, we recommend carefully reading the help page for the main function


To calculate the five environmental statistics (seasonality, colour of environmental noise, predictability, constancy, contingency) using sample data (temporally even SST data):

sst_pred <- env_stats(time_series = sst$time_series, dates = sst$dates,
                      n_states = 11, delta = 1, is_uneven = FALSE,
                      interpolate = FALSE, show_warns = TRUE,
                      noise_method = "spectrum")

The argument n_states is a numeric vector of length 1 containing a somewhat arbitrary number, as Colwell's method divides a continuous variable up into discrete states (read the original paper for further details). Default (arbitrary) is 11.

The above example threw a warning, which can be addressed in this example by:

sst  <-  sst[sst$dates <= as.Date("2007-01-01"), ]
sst_pred <- env_stats(sst$time_series, sst$dates, n_states = 11, delta = 1,
                      is_uneven = FALSE, interpolate = FALSE,
                      show_warns = TRUE, noise_method = "spectrum")

The data can be plotted using ggplot2 methods. The user can plot both the de-trended dataset overlaid with the seasonal interpolation,

gg_envpred(sst_pred, type = "detrended")

or the spectral density on the log-10 scale

gg_envpred(sst_pred, type = "spectral")

Finally, the package also handles temporally uneven NPP data with NAs (carefully check warnings), by using the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram from package lomb.

npp_pred  <-  env_stats(npp$time_series, npp$dates, n_states = 11, delta = 8,
                        is_uneven = TRUE, interpolate = TRUE,
                        show_warns = TRUE, noise_method = "lomb_scargle")

dbarneche/envPred documentation built on June 28, 2020, 5:04 p.m.