clean_geometry: Clean Catchment Geometry

View source: R/catchment_geometry.R

clean_geometryR Documentation

Clean Catchment Geometry


Fixes geometry issues present in catchments that originate in the CatchmentSP layers, or from the reconcile_catchments hyRefactor preocess. These include, but are not limited to disjoint polygon fragments, artifacts from the 30m DEM used to generate the catchments, and non-valid geometry topolgies. A goal of this functions is also to provide means to reduce the data column of the catchments by offering a topology preserving simplification through ms_simplify. Generally a "keep" parameter of .9 seems appropriate for the resolution of the data but can be modified in function


clean_geometry(catchments, ID = "ID", keep = 0.9, crs = 5070, sys = NULL)



catchments geometries to fix


name of uniquely identifying column


proportion of points to retain in geometry simplification (0-1; default 0.05). See ms_simplify. If NULL, then no simplification will be executed.


integer or object compatible with sf::st_crs coordinate reference. Should be a projection that supports area-calculations.


logical should the mapshaper system library be used. If NULL the system library will be used if available.


sf object

dblodgett-usgs/hyRefactor documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 5:01 a.m.