Man pages for dcangst/fitr
Bacterial Growth Rate Estimation in R

d_gcfitWrapper function for automated growth curve fitting
dot-attrErrorCodesadd attributes with error codes to data.frame
dot-gcDataTrafotransform OD values
dot-rgbColorGradientgenerate color gradient
fitrfitr. A package containing tools for estimation of maximum...
gcfitEstimate growth rate from growth curve
growthDataFiveFive growth curve
growthDataOneOne growth curve
pickfitpick best fits
plot_fitrplot fits generated with gcfit and selected with pickfit
plot.fitrplot function for class "fitr"
print.fitrprint function for class "fitr"
write.fitrwrite function for class "fitr"
dcangst/fitr documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 3:30 p.m.