Man pages for dcgerard/UltimateDeconvolution
Deconvolution Problem in Multivariate Gaussian Mixtures

dmixlikeCalculates the gaussian mixture density.
dmixlike_cppCalculates the gaussian mixture density.
dnorm_rank1Multivariate normal density at mean 0 and a covariance that...
dr1_normMultivariate normal density at mean 0 and a covariance that...
em_cppC++ version of EM algorithm.
em_fixFixed iteration from the EM algorithm.
em_fix_cppFixed point iteration from the EM algorithm.
em_rR version of the EM algorithm.
get_llike_matGet's a matrix of likeklihood values.
get_llike_mat_cppGet's a matrix of likeklihood values.
plot_llikeBasic line plot for 'em_cpp'.
rmixmultnormRandom draw from mixture of multivariate normals.
ultimate_deconvolutionEM algorithm to fit multivariate Guassian convolution...
UltimateDeconvolutionUltimateDeconvolution: Rank-1 deconvolution problem.
dcgerard/UltimateDeconvolution documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:24 a.m.