hose: Higher-Order Spectral Estimators

Status AppVeyor Build
Status CRAN


hose is a package designed for working with higher-order spectral estimators, which were first introduced in Gerard and Hoff (2017). These estimators are based on the higher-order singular value decomposition of De Lathauwer, De Moor, and Vandewalle (2000) and are useful when your data exhibit tensor-specific structure, such as having approximately low multilinear rank. This code will allow you to:

The main functions are:


If you find these methods useful, please cite

Gerard, David, and Peter Hoff. 2017. “Adaptive Higher-Order Spectral Estimators.” Electron. J. Statist. 11 (2). The Institute of Mathematical Statistics; the Bernoulli Society: 3703–37.

Or, using BibTex:

    AUTHOR = {David Gerard and Peter Hoff},
     TITLE = {Adaptive higher-order spectral estimators},
   JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Statist.},
  FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Statistics},
      YEAR = {2017},
    VOLUME = {11},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {3703-3737},
      ISSN = {1935-7524},
       DOI = {10.1214/17-EJS1330},
      SICI = {1935-7524(2017)11:2<3703:AHOSE>2.0.CO;2-Q},


You can install from CRAN in the usual way:


Or, to install the latest (unstable) version, run the following code in R:

install.packages(c("tensr", "softImpute", "RMTstat", "devtools"))


I’ve provided a vignette demonstrating the methods available in hose. You can find it here. Or you can build the vignette on install with

devtools::install_github("dcgerard/hose", build_vignettes = TRUE)

and access the vignette by running the following code in R:

utils::vignette("sure_example", package = "hose")


De Lathauwer, L., B. De Moor, and J. Vandewalle. 2000. “A Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition.” *SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications* 21 (4): 1253–78. .
Gerard, David, and Peter Hoff. 2017. “Adaptive Higher-Order Spectral Estimators.” *Electron. J. Statist.* 11 (2): 3703–37. .
Josse, Julie, and Sylvain Sardy. 2016. “Adaptive Shrinkage of Singular Values.” *Statistics and Computing* 26 (3): 715–24. .

dcgerard/hose documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 12:11 a.m.