This vignette describes how to build your own factor analysis functions for use in vicar's primary functions vruv4, ruv3, mouthwash, backwash, and ruvb. These methods are described in detail in @gerard2020empirical and @gerard2021unifying.

fa_func in vruv4, ruv3, mouthwash, and backwash

A factor analysis is a list of three point estimates {$\alpha$, $Z$, $\Sigma$} from the following model $$ Y = Z\alpha^T + E, $$ where $Y$ is $n$ by $p$, $Z$ is $n$ by $r$, $\alpha$ is $p$ by $r$, and $E$ contains independent Gaussian errors with $p$ by $p$ diagonal column covariance matrix $\Sigma$. The user-specified function fa_func is assumed to return estimates from this model.

fa_func should take as input the following elements

  1. Y: A matrix of numerics. For the rest of this vignette, we say that Y has $n$ rows and $p$ columns.
  2. r: The rank of the factor analysis.
  3. Additional arguments passed to fa_func in fa_args.

fa_func should output a list with the following elements

  1. alpha: A $p$ by r matrix. The estimated factors.
  2. Z: An $n$ by r matrix. The estimated loadings.
  3. sig_diag: A $p$-length numeric vector with non-negative entries. The estimated column-wise variances.
  4. Any additional output the user desires. However, this output will not be used in any confounder adjustment functions.

Note that alpha and Z should still be matrices even when $r$ is 1.

Because of the way that the data, $Y$, were derived, only certain factor analyses make sense. That is, the factor analysis should be left orthogonally equivariant. What this means is that if $Z_1$, $\alpha_1$, and $\Sigma_1$ are estimates from $Y$ and $Z_2$, $\alpha_2$, and $\Sigma_2$ are estimates from $QY$ for any orthogonal matrix $Q$ (where $Q^TQ = QQ^T = I_n$), then $$ Z_1\alpha_1 = Q^TZ_2\alpha_2 $$ and $$ \Sigma_1 = \Sigma_2. $$

I've included a function, fa_tester, to test whether a user-provided factor analysis satisfies all of these conditions.

The default factor analysis for all methods is pca_naive. We can compare its performance to a stupid estimator that always returns the identity matrix padded with zeros for the estimate of $\alpha$, the first $r$ left singular vectors of $Y$ for the estimate of $Z$, and a vector of ones for sig_diag.

fa_stupid <- function(Y, r) {
  p <- ncol(Y)
  n <- nrow(Y)
  svY <- svd(Y)
  alpha <- rbind(diag(r), matrix(0, nrow = p - r, ncol = r))
  Z <- svY$u[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]
  sig_diag <- rep(1, p)
  return(list(alpha = alpha, Z = Z, sig_diag = sig_diag))

fa_stupid does indeed technically work as a factor analysis, as demonstrated by fa_tester

tout <- fa_tester(fa_stupid)

Let's generate some sample data where the covariate of interest is the second column of $X$.

## Generate data and controls ---------------------------------------------
n <- 13
p <- 1001
k <- 2
q <- 3
is_null       <- rep(FALSE, length = p)
is_null[1:501] <- TRUE
ctl           <- rep(FALSE, length = p)
ctl[1:201]     <- TRUE
X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * q), nrow = n)
B <- matrix(stats::rnorm(q * p), nrow = q)
B[2, is_null] <- 0
Z <- X %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(q * k), nrow = q) +
    matrix(rnorm(n * k), nrow = n)
A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k * p), nrow = k)
E <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * p, sd = 1 / 2), nrow = n)
Y <- X %*% B + Z %*% A + E

And let's compare using fa_stupid against the default pca_naive.

ruv4out <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, cov_of_interest = 2, include_intercept = FALSE)
ruv4out_stupid <- vruv4(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, cov_of_interest = 2, include_intercept = FALSE,
                        fa_func = fa_stupid)
order_4p        <- order(ruv4out$pvalues)
order_4p_stupid <- order(ruv4out_stupid$pvalues)

fpr4 <- cumsum(is_null[order_4p]) / sum(is_null)
tpr4 <- cumsum(!is_null[order_4p]) / sum(!is_null)
fpr4stupid <- cumsum(is_null[order_4p_stupid]) / sum(is_null)
tpr4stupid <- cumsum(!is_null[order_4p_stupid]) / sum(!is_null)
dfdat <- data.frame(fpr = c(fpr4, fpr4stupid), tpr = c(tpr4, tpr4stupid),
                    fa = c(rep("PCA", p), rep("Stupid", p)))
ggplot(data = dfdat, mapping = aes(x = fpr, y = tpr, col = fa)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, col = 1, lty = 2) +
  theme_bw() +
  ggtitle("ROC Curve") + xlab("False Positive Rate") +
  ylab("True Positive Rate") +
  scale_color_discrete(guide = guide_legend(title = "Factor Analysis"))

fa_func in ruvb

Providing a user-specified fa_func for ruvb is more complicated. We are assuming a more complicated model \begin{align} \left( \begin{array}{cc} Y_{21} & Y_{22}\ Y_{31} & Y_{32} \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \Omega_{21} & \Omega_{22}\ \Omega_{31} & \Omega_{32} \end{array} \right) + E, \end{align} where $Y_{22}$ is unobserved, $\Omega$ has some low-dimensional structure, and $E$ has Gaussian errors with possibly dependent columns. fa_func returns an array of posterior draws from from $[Y_{22} | Y_{21}, Y_{31}, Y_{32}]$ when fitting some user-specified Bayesian model.

Let $n$ be the number of samples, $p$ be the number of genes, $m$ be the number of control genes, and $k$ be the number of covariates of interest. fa_func should take as input the following elements.

  1. Y21 The upper left matrix of numerics. This is of dimension $k$ by $m$.
  2. Y31 The lower left matrix of numerics. This is of dimension $n - k$ by $m$.
  3. Y32 The lower right matrix of numerics. This is of dimension $n - k$ by $p - m$.
  4. k: The rank of the factor analysis when assuming a factor model for $\Omega$. fa_func doesn't need to use it if you aren't assuming a factor model, but fa_func needs to have it as an argument.

fa_func should return

  1. Y22_array, a three-way array of dimension $k$ by $p - m$ by the number of posterior draws.
  2. Any other parameters you wish to return. However, they won't be used in confounder adjustment.

The default value for fa_func is bfa_gs_linked. We can test a factor analysis for compatibility with ruvb using the function fa_tester_ruvb.

fa_tester_ruvb(fa_func = bfa_gs_linked, fa_args = list(nsamp = 20, display_progress = FALSE))

Here's another technically OK (though stupid) factor analysis that just returns an array of 1's

fa_stupid_ruvb <- function(Y21, Y31, Y32, k) {
  dumb_est <- array(1, dim = c(nrow(Y21), ncol(Y32), 30))
  return(list(Y22_array = dumb_est))
fa_tester_ruvb(fa_func = fa_stupid_ruvb)

We can use fa_stupid_ruvb on the data in the previous section. But because it returns the same value every posterior draw, we obtain unhelpful lfsr's of 0 for all points.

ruvbout <- ruvb(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, fa_func = fa_stupid_ruvb)
graphics::plot(table(ruvbout$lfsr2), type = "h", ylab = "lfsr")


dcgerard/vicar documentation built on July 7, 2021, 1:08 p.m.