
I provide instructions on how to incorporate a user-specified prior into ruvb. I provide an example with a simulated RNA-seq dataset. The RUVB method is described in detail in @gerard2021unifying.


We will use the simulated RNA-seq dataset described in the vignette sample_analysis. To read a description about these data, run the following in R:

utils::vignette("sample_analysis", package = "vicar")

We'll first load in these data:

Y <- sim_gtex$Y
X <- sim_gtex$X
ctl <- sim_gtex$ctl
which_null <- sim_gtex$which_null
beta <- sim_gtex$beta

As in sample_analysis, we'll estimate the number of hidden confounders using the num.sv function from the sva R package.

num_sv <- sva::num.sv(dat = t(Y), mod = X, method = "be")

Specifying a Prior

In the ruvb function, one can use the prior_fun and prior_args parameters to specify a prior in the second step of RUVB. If $p$ is the number of genes, $m$ is the number of control genes, and $k$ is the number of covariates of interest, then prior_fun takes the following as input

  1. beta_mat: An $k$ by $p - m$ matrix.
  2. Anything else the user desires, specified in the list prior_args.

By specifying the return_log argument in ruvb, prior_fun can either return the density (a non-negative numeric scalar), or the log-density (a real numeric scalar). For numerical stability reasons, generally you should have prior_fun return the log-density and then set return_log = TRUE.


Suppose we had slightly stronger prior information that the signals are all relatively weak, so we'll put a $N(0, 5)$ prior on the effects. For numerical stability, we'll return the log-density.

strong_prior <- function(beta_mat, sd_prior) {
  sum(stats::dnorm(beta_mat, mean = 0, sd = sd_prior, log = TRUE))

Since sd_prior is an argument we need to specify, we'll use the prior_args parameter to set sd_prior = 5. Now let us run ruvb. Note that you should run the MCMC for many more iterations than what I'm doing here.

ruvbout <- ruvb(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = num_sv, cov_of_interest = 2,
                prior_fun = strong_prior, prior_args = list(sd_prior = 5),
                return_log = TRUE,
                fa_args = list(display_progress = FALSE, nsamp = 1000, thin = 1))

We'll compare the results against just using the default uniform prior:

ruvbout_unif <- ruvb(Y = Y, X = X, ctl = ctl, k = num_sv, cov_of_interest = 2,
                     fa_args = list(display_progress = FALSE, nsamp = 1000, thin = 1))

They give about the same AUC's.

aucnorm <- pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(ruvbout$lfsr2))$auc
aucunif <- pROC::roc(response = which_null, predictor = c(ruvbout_unif$lfsr2))$auc
aucdat <- data.frame(Prior = c("Normal", "Uniform"), AUC = c(aucnorm, aucunif))
knitr::kable(x = aucdat)


dcgerard/vicar documentation built on July 7, 2021, 1:08 p.m.