theme_set(theme_gray(base_size = 18))
opts_chunk$set(fig.cap="", echo=FALSE, 

An R Package to Help Interpret Predictive Models:

(Average) Predictive Comparisons

Refactorings Hangout

David Chudzicki

Related concepts

Distinguishing features of this approach:


  1. Motivating fake example
  2. Predictive comparisons definitions: what we want
  3. Applying average predictive comparisons to (1)
  4. An example with real data: credit scoring

  5. Discussion!

  6. (Appendix) Estimation & Computation: how to get what we want
  7. (Appendix) Comparison with other approaches

Silly Example

Logistic Regression

s <- seq(-4,4,by=.01)
qplot(s, 1/(1+exp(-s)), geom="line") + ggtitle("Inverse Logit Curve")

True model: $P(\text{wine is purchased}) = logit^{-1}(0.1 Q - 0.12 P)$

Distribution of Inputs (variation 1):

Price and quality are (noisily) related:

myScales <- list(scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-15,125)),
qualityScale <- ylim(c(-20,130))
qplot(Price, Quality, alpha=I(.5), data = df1Sample) + 

We don't really need a model to understand this...

(A random subset of the data. For clarity, showing only a discrete subset of prices.)

v1Plot <- ggplot(subset(df1Sample, Price %in% seq(20, 120, by=10))) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
             size = 3, alpha = 1) + 
  ggtitle("Quality vs. Purchase Probability at Various Prices") +
  myScales +

We don't really need a model to understand this...

For each individual price, quality vs. purchase probability forms a portion of a shifted inverse logit curve:

last_plot() + geom_line(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
                        data = linesDF,

Variation 2

In another possible world, mid-range wines are more common:

qplot(Price, Quality, alpha=I(.5), data = df2Sample) + 

In this world, quality matters more....

v2Plot <- ggplot(subset(df2Sample, Price %in% seq(20, 120, by=10))) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
             size = 3, alpha = 1) + 
  ggtitle("Quality vs. Purchase Probability at Various Prices") +
  myScales +

Variation 3

In a third possible world, price varies more strongly with quality:

qplot(Price, Quality, alpha=I(.5), data = df3Sample) + 


In this world, quality matters even more...

v3Plot <- ggplot(subset(df3Sample, Price %in% seq(20, 120, by=10))) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
             size = 3, alpha = 1) + 
  ggtitle("Quality vs. Purchase Probability at Various Prices") +
  myScales +

Now quality matters more

... across all price ranges (for the kinds of variation that we see in the data)

v3PlotWithCurves <- last_plot() + geom_line(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
                                            data = linesDF,

Lessons from this example

  1. We want to interpret things on the scale we care about (probability in this case)
  2. Relationships among the inputs matter

Goal is single-number summaries

These concepts are vague, but keep them in mind as we try to formalize things in the next few slides:

Some notation

$u$: the variable under consideration

$v$: the vector of other variables (the "all else held equal")

$f(u,v)$: a function that makes predictions, e.g. maybe $f(u,v) = \mathcal{E}[y \mid u, v, \theta]$

What average do we take?

The APC is defined as





Returning to the wines...

apcComparisonPlot <- ggplot(subset(apcAllVariations, Input=="Quality")) +
  geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Variation, levels=3:1), y=PerUnitInput.Signed), stat="identity", width=.5) + 
  expand_limits(y=0) +
  xlab("Variation") + 
  ggtitle("APC for Quality across Variations") +
grid.arrange(v1Plot + ggtitle("V1"), v2Plot + ggtitle("V2"), v3Plot + ggtitle("V3"), nrow=1)

Exercise for the reader: Make an example where APC is larger than in Variation 1 but "Impact" is much smaller.

Credit Scoring Example


Input Distribution


Note: previous lateness (esp. 90+) days is rare.

Model Building

We'll use a random forest for this example:

# Turning the response to type "factor" causes the RF to be build for classification:
credit$SeriousDlqin2yrs <- factor(credit$SeriousDlqin2yrs) 
rfFit <- randomForest(SeriousDlqin2yrs ~ ., data=credit, ntree=ntree)

Aggregate Predictive Comparisons

apcDF <- GetPredCompsDF(rfFit, credit,
                        numForTransitionStart = numForTransitionStart,
                        numForTransitionEnd = numForTransitionEnd,
                        onlyIncludeNearestN = onlyIncludeNearestN)
kable(apcDF, row.names=FALSE)

Impact Plot

(Showing +/- the absolute impact, since signed impact is bounded between those numbers)

(Showing impact rather than APC b/c the different APC units wouldn't be comparable, shouldn't go on one chart)


Summaries like this can guide questions that push is to dig deeper, like:

Goals for sensitivity analysis

v3PlotWithCurves + ggtitle("Wines: Variation 3")

How we'll do sensitivity analysis

ggplot(pairsSummarizedAge, aes(x=age.B, y=yHat2, color=factor(OriginalRowNumber))) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = Weight)) +
  geom_line(size=.2) +
  xlab("age") +
  ylab("Prediction") + 
  guides(color = FALSE)

Zooming in...

ggplot(subset(pairsSummarizedAge, OriginalRowNumber <= 8), 
       aes(x=age.B, y=yHat2, color=factor(OriginalRowNumber))) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = Weight)) +
  geom_line(size=.2) +
  xlab("age") +
  ylab("Prediction") + 
  guides(color = FALSE) + 

Sensitivity: Number of Time 30-35 Days Past Due

ggplot(pairsSummarized, aes(x=NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse.B, y=yHat2, color=factor(OriginalRowNumber))) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = Weight)) +
  geom_line(size=.2) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,2)) +
  scale_size_area() + 
  xlab("NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse") +
  ylab("Prediction") + 
  guides(color = FALSE)

Sensitivity: Number of Time 30-35 Days Past Due

... but in one case, probability of default decreases with the 0-to-1 transition

ggplot(pairsSummarized, aes(x=NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse.B, y=yHat2, color=factor(OriginalRowNumber))) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = Weight)) +
  geom_line(aes(alpha=ifelse(OriginalRowNumber == 18, 1, .3))) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,2)) +
  scale_alpha_identity() +
  scale_size_area() + 
  xlab("NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse") +
  ylab("Prediction") + 
  guides(color = FALSE)

Can we explain it?

oneRowWithDecreasingDefaultProbability <- oneOriginalRowNumber[1,intersect(names(oneOriginalRowNumber), names(credit))]

A Cruder Approach

As an example, this is the approach linked in that BAR thread ("Algorithms are simple mathematical formulas that nobody understands.”)

A Cruder Approach Can Give Wrong Results

E.g. $x_1$, $x_2$ related like this, independent of $x_3$:

x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- -x1 + .2*rnorm(100) 
qplot(x1,x2) + ggtitle("20th percentile of x1 doesn't co-occur with 20th percentile of x2!")

With $y = x_1 x_2 x_3$

"Partial Plots"

This accounts for relationships among the "all else held equal" but not between those and the input under consideration

Make predictions on a new data set constructed as follows:

oneRow <- data.frame(v1=1, v2="a", v3=2.3, u=6)

One row:


Repeat the row varying $u$ across its whole range:

oneRowRep <- oneRow[rep(1,20),]
oneRowRep$u <- 1:20

Partial Plot Method Applied to Wines

v3Plot + geom_point(aes(x=Quality, y=PurchaseProbability), stat="summary", fun.y="mean", data=linesDF) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Quality, y = PurchaseProbability, color = factor(Price)), 
                        data = linesDF,
                        size=1) +

Comparison with other approaches

Things that vary

Computing the APC

In Practice

pairsOrdered <- pairs[order(pairs$OriginalRowNumber),]

for (i in 1:20) {
  kable(head(subset(pairsOrdered, OriginalRowNumber==i)[c("OriginalRowNumber", "age", "DebtRatio", "MonthlyIncome", "NumberOfOpenCreditLinesAndLoans", "NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse", "NumberOfTime30.59DaysPastDueNotWorse.B","yHat1","yHat2", "Weight")]))

dchudz/predcomps documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:48 a.m.