
# build.weights.dice <- function() {
#   # French
#   # read dictionnary data from disk
#   #base.dir <- find.package("Boggler")
#   base.dir <- "./inst"
#   load(file = paste(base.dir, "includes/dict_fr.RData", sep="/"))
#   # Create weights for letter randomization
#   # This is used when playing only
#   # a) weights based on real frequencies of letters
#   all.letters <- strsplit(paste(dict$word,collapse=""),"")
#   weights.obs <- prop.table(table(all.letters))
#   weights.obs <- data.frame(letter=names(weights.obs), weight=as.numeric(weights.obs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   # Assign real Boggle dice to the dice variable
#   dice <- c("elupst", "zdvnea", "sdtnoe", "amoris", "fxraoi", "moqabj", "fsheei",
#             "hrsnei", "etnkou", "tarilb", "tieaoa", "acepdm", "rlasec", "uliwer",
#             "vgtnie", "lenuyg")
#   save(dice, weights.obs, file = paste(base.dir, "includes/weights_and_dice_fr.RData", sep="/"))
#   rm(dict, all.letters, weights.obs, dice)
#   # English
#   load(file = paste(base.dir, "includes/dict_en.RData", sep="/"))
#   # Create weights for letter randomization
#   # This is used when playing only
#   # a) weights based on real frequencies of letters
#   all.letters <- strsplit(paste(dict$word,collapse=""),"")
#   weights.obs <- prop.table(table(all.letters))
#   weights.obs <- data.frame(letter=names(weights.obs), weight=as.numeric(weights.obs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   dice <- c("aaeegn", "elrtty", "aoottw", "abbjoo", "ehrtvw", "cimotu", "distty",
#                "eiosst", "delrvy", "achops", "himnqu", "eeinsu", "eeghnw", "affkps",
#                "hlnnrz", "deilrx")
#   save(dice, weights.obs, file = paste(base.dir, "includes/weights_and_dice_en.RData", sep="/"))
#   rm(dict, all.letters, weights.obs, dice)
# }
dcomtois/Boggler documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 12:33 p.m.