cleartmp | Delete Temporary Html Files |
ctable | Cross-Tabulation |
define_keywords | Modify Keywords Used In Outputs |
descr | Univariate Statistics for Numerical Data |
dfSummary | Data frame Summary |
examens | Bulletin de notes (donnees simulees) |
exams | Report Cards - Simulated Data |
format_number | format_number |
freq | Frequency Tables for Factors and Other Discrete Data |
label | Get or Set Variable or Data Frame Labels |
parse_call | Extract Data Information From Arguments Passed to Functions... |
print.list | Print Method for Objects of Class "list" |
print.stby | Print Method for Objects of Class "stby" |
print.summarytools | print.summarytools |
stby | Obtain Grouped Statistics With summarytools |
st_css | Include *summarytools*' _css_ Into Active Document |
st_options | Query and set summarytools global options |
summarytools-package | Tools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data |
tabagisme | Usage du tabac et etat de sante (donnees simulees) |
tb | Convert Summarytools Objects into Tibbles |
tobacco | Tobacco Use and Health - Simulated Dataset |
unlabel | Clear Variable and Data Frame Label(s) |
use_custom_lang | Import and use a custom language |
view | view | | Obtain Extended Properties of Objects |
zap_attr | Remove Attributes to Get a Simplified Object |
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