freq: Frequency Tables for Factors and Other Discrete Data

View source: R/freq.R

freqR Documentation

Frequency Tables for Factors and Other Discrete Data


Displays weighted or unweighted frequencies, including <NA> counts and proportions.


  var = NULL,
  round.digits = st_options("round.digits"),
  order = "default",
  style = st_options("style"),
  plain.ascii = st_options("plain.ascii"),
  justify = "default",
  cumul = st_options("freq.cumul"),
  totals = st_options("freq.totals"),
  report.nas = st_options(""),
  rows = numeric(),
  missing = "",
  na.val = st_options("na.val"),
  display.type = TRUE,
  display.labels = st_options("display.labels"),
  headings = st_options("headings"),
  weights = NA,
  rescale.weights = FALSE,



Factor, vector, or data frame.


Optional unquoted variable name. Provides support for piped function calls (e.g. my_df %>% freq(my_var)).


Numeric. Number of significant digits to display. Defaults to 2. Can be set globally with st_options.


Character. Ordering of rows in frequency table; “name” (default for non-factors), “level” (default for factors), or “freq” (from most frequent to less frequent). To invert the order, place a minus sign before or after the word. “-freq” will thus display the items starting from the lowest in frequency to the highest, and so forth.


Character. Style to be used by pander. One of “simple” (default), “grid”, “rmarkdown”, or “jira”. Can be set globally with st_options.


Logical. pander argument; when TRUE, no markup characters will be used (useful when printing to console). Defaults to TRUE unless style = 'rmarkdown', in which case it will be set to FALSE automatically. Can be set globally with st_options.


String indicating alignment of columns. By default (“default”), “right” is used for text tables and “center” is used for html tables. You can force it to one of “left”, “center”, or “right”.


Logical. Set to FALSE to hide cumulative proportions from results. TRUE by default. To change this value globally, see st_options.


Logical. Set to FALSE to hide totals from results. TRUE by default. To change this value globally, see st_options.


Logical. Set to FALSE to turn off reporting of missing values. To change this default value globally, see st_options.


Character or numeric vector allowing subsetting of the results. The order given here will be reflected in the resulting table. If a single string is used, it will be used as a regular expression to filter row names.


Text to display in NA cells. Defaults to “”.


Character. For factors and character vectors, consider this value as NA. Ignored if there are actual NA values or if it matches no value / factor level in the data. NULL by default.


Logical. Should variable type be displayed? Default is TRUE.


Logical. Should variable / data frame labels be displayed? Default is TRUE. To change this default value globally, see st_options.


Logical. Set to FALSE to omit heading section. Can be set globally via st_options.


Vector of weights; must be of the same length as x.


Logical parameter. When set to TRUE, the total count will be the same as the unweighted x. FALSE by default.


Additional arguments passed to pander.


The default plain.ascii = TRUE option is there to make results appear cleaner in the console. To avoid rmarkdown rendering problems, this option is automatically set to FALSE whenever style = "rmarkdown" (unless plain.ascii = TRUE is made explicit in the function call).


A frequency table of class matrix and summarytools with added attributes used by print method.


The data type represents the class in most cases.


Dominic Comtois,

See Also



freq(tobacco$gender, totals = FALSE)

# Ignore NA's, don't show totals, omit headings
freq(tobacco$gender, report.nas = FALSE, totals = FALSE, headings = FALSE)

# In .Rmd documents, use the two following arguments, minimally
freq(tobacco$gender, style="rmarkdown", plain.ascii = FALSE)

# Grouped Frequencies
with(tobacco, stby(diseased, smoker, freq))
(fr_smoker_by_gender <- with(tobacco, stby(smoker, gender, freq)))

# Print html Source
print(fr_smoker_by_gender, method = "render", footnote = NA)

# Order by frequency (+ to -)
freq(tobacco$, order = "freq")

# Order by frequency (- to +)
freq(tobacco$, order = "-freq")

# Use the 'rows' argument to display only the 10 most common items
freq(tobacco$, order = "freq", rows = 1:10)

## Not run: 
# Display rendered html results in RStudio's Viewer
# notice 'view()' is NOT written with capital V
# If working outside RStudio, Web browser is used instead
# A temporary file is stored in temp dir

# Display rendered html results in default Web browser
# A temporary file is stored in temp dir here too
print(fr_smoker_by_gender, method = "browser")

# Write results to text file (.txt, .md, .Rmd) or html file (.html)
print(fr_smoker_by_gender, method = "render", file = "
print(fr_smoker_by_gender, method = "render", file = "fr_smoker_by_gender.html)

## End(Not run)

dcomtois/summarytools documentation built on March 1, 2025, 8:50 p.m.