MeasurementPrecision-package: MeasurementPrecision: Measurement Precision Toolkit

Description Details


Measurement Precision toolkit for R. This repository contains source code and a package suitable for R 3.0 and above. It computes a few basic statistics and round them accordind to the measurement instrument (deltax). See Cousineau, D. (submitted) How many decimals? Rounding descriptive statistics based on measurement precision for the formal mathematical derivations of the results.


MeasurementPrecision is a toolkit that computes some basic descriptive statistics but also round them based on the measurement precision deltax. The functions are

roundMP.fct(fromData = x, deltax, ...) to proceed from data (vector, matrix, or list of vectors)

roundMP.fct(fromStatistics = list(...), deltax, ...) to proceed from descriptive statistics.

where fct is a summary statistic name.

See help(roundMP) for a list of all the functions.

dcousin3/MeasurementPrecision documentation built on April 26, 2020, 4:59 p.m.