Man pages for ddsjoberg/hotfun
Collection of Functions Used in the Health Outcomes Team at MSKCC

add_splinesAdd spline terms to a data frame
assign_timepointAssign a timepoint to a long dataset with multiple measures
auc_densityCalculate exact AUCs based on the distribution of risk in a...
auc_histogramCalculate an AUC from a histogram
clean_mrnCheck and Format MRNs
count_mapChecks variable creation for new derived variables at once
count_naAssess pattern of missing data
create_hot_projectStart a new H.O.T. project
egfrCalculate eGFR
get_modeCalculates the mode(s) of a set of values
hotfun-packagehotfun: Collection of Functions Used in the Health Outcomes...
list_labelsGet variable labels and store in named list
project_templateH.O.T. project template
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rm_logsDeletes log files created by Rscript on the Linux cluster
set_derived_variablesApply variable labels to data frame
tbl_propdiffCalculating unadjusted and adjusted differences in rates
trialResults from a simulated study of two chemotherapy agents:...
use_hot_fileWrite a template file
use_hot_rstudio_prefsUse H.O.T. RStudio Preferences
ddsjoberg/hotfun documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 3:41 a.m.