Man pages for deanfantazzini/bubble
Tests for financial bubbles and explosive behavior

bubble.comp.percBubble component in percentage
CV_BADFCritical value sequences for the backward ADF (BADF)...
CV_BSADFCritical values for the backward SADF (BSADF) statistic
CV_GSADFCritical values for the generalized sup ADF (GSADF)...
CV_SADFCritical values for the sup ADF (SADF) statistic.
DGPData generating process for simulations: random walk with...
est.war1Estimate the particular AR(1) model by Watanabe et...
est.war1.from.arpSimulate data from a AR(p) model and estimate the particular...
est.war1.from.arp.originalSimulate data from a AR(p) model and estimate the particular...
est.war1.originalEstimate the particular AR(1) model by Watanabe et...
GSADF_YGSADF test statistic and the BSADF sequence for a real time...
jmf1Log-likelihood for the univariate bubble model by Fry (2014)
jmf1MKLog-likelihood for the univariate bubble model by Fry (2014)...
lppl.confidence.ACompute the LPPLS Confidence indicator which satisfies the...
lppl.confidence.BCompute the LPPLS Confidence indicator which satisfies the... the LPPLS Confidence and Trust indicators which... the LPPLS Confidence and Trust indicators which...
lppl_estimateEstimation of the LPPL model using a nonlinear optimization
lppl_estimate_rob_1s1st step LPPL estimation procedure by Geraskin and Fantazzini...
lppl_estimate_rob_2s2nd step LPPL estimation procedure by Geraskin and Fantazzini...
lppl_estimate_rob_3all3-step LPPL estimation procedure by Geraskin and Fantazzini...
lppl_estimate_rob_3s3rd step LPPL estimation procedure by Geraskin and Fantazzini...
lppl.resids.from.basic.estimateCompute the residuals given the parameters estimated with the...
lppl_simulateSimulate a LPPL model
lppl_simulate_bootSimulate a LPPL model using bootstrap resampling of residuals
lppl_simulate_FSSimulate a LPPL model using the formula in Filimonov and...
lppl_simulate_FS_bootSimulate a LPPL model using bootstrap resampling of residuals...
normlklhdLog-likelihood for a Gaussian random walk model
optimal.time.scaleBest time-scale according to the approach by Watanabe et al....
SADF_YSADF test statistic and the BADF sequence for a real time...
size_GSADFSize of the generalized sup ADF (GSADF) statistic.
size_SADFSize of the sup ADF test
sp500Monthly SP500 index from 1791 till 2015 adjusted for...
Watanabe.bubble.indexEstimate the particular Watanabe et al.(2007a,b) model for...
deanfantazzini/bubble documentation built on Oct. 22, 2020, 2:43 p.m.