Man pages for debruine/frlgmm
Face Research Lab Geometric Morphometric Functions

faces50 male and 50 female faces
getCoordsGet or create a 3D array of coordinates
getDataCreate a data frame with data from data$info and PCs from...
getPCAGet PCA Data
gifImagesCreate images for a moving gif
graphCompare2Create a graph plotting two PCs and visualising min and max...
graphMinMaxCreate a graph comparing min and max values on one PC
graphShapeProject (and optionally graph and/or save to a file) a shape...
groupByNameAllocate images to groups based on filenames and regex...
procrustesAlignProcrustes align frlgmm object.
readTemsRead Psychomorph template files
saveTemSave coordinates to a file
selectPCsSelect PCs using different criteria
uprightFaceRotate aligned data to upright using eye point locations
debruine/frlgmm documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:55 a.m.