
Defines functions cache_find

Documented in cache_find

#' cache_find
#' Finds the cache path by searching up the directory structure for a directory
#' named by `cache_name()`.
#' @param path to look for cache in. Default is the PWD.
#' @details
#' The default name of the cache directory is `cache`, but can be changed with:
#' `options(cache.name=*name*)`.
#' @return a [fs::path()] pointing to the cache directory or `NULL` if the
#'   path cannot be found.
#' @seealso
#'   [rprojroot::find_root()]
#' @import fs
#' @export

cache_find <- function(path = ".", relative=FALSE ) {

    # find_root_safe( criterion=has_dir( cache_name() ), path=path ) ->. #
    # e.g. cache/.meta
    root <-
       criterion = has_dir( path( cache_name(), ".meta") ), path=path

    if( is.null(root) ) return(root)  # CAN'T FIND PATH

    cache_path <- fs::path( root, cache_name() )

    if( relative )

decisionpatterns/cache documentation built on June 15, 2020, 9:35 p.m.