na.actions: Comprehensive Library For Handling Missing Values

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na.actions is a comprehensive library for handling missing (NA) values. laregly extending the existing na.* functions found in the stats packages. These Functions provide for detection, removal, replacement, recollection, imputation, etc. of NAs. In short, it is a comprehensive tool set for common operations when working with missing values.

Feature List



install_github( "decisionpatterns/na.actions")


Coming Soon ...

Function List


Removal / Ommision / Exclusion

Replacement / Imputation

There are a num

Constants * na_zero - 0 * na.inf / na.neginf - Inf/-Inf * na_constant

Computed (univariate): * na_n - count of NA values * na_max - maximum * na_min - minumum * na_mean - mean * na_median - median value

Computed (univariate, ordered/time-series objects): * na_loess - loess smoother, assumes values are ordered * na_spline - * na_locf - last observation carried forward, assumes ordered * na_nocb - next observation carried backwards, assumes ordered * na_structTS - Kalman Filter replacement

Computed (multivariate) * na_predict - use a model * na_roughfix - * na_approx -

General: * na_replace - atomic vectors only * na_explicit - atomic or recursive structures



na.replace( c(1,NA,3), 2)

decisionpatterns/na.actions documentation built on Aug. 25, 2020, 8:04 p.m.