Considering has two sets of functions dots and underscores. The dot functions have names with . (na.replace, na.rm, na.*). Like their inspiration from the stats package, they operate on atomic vectors.

The underscore functions have names with _ (na_replace, na_rm, na_*). They are meant to operate on recursive structures such as lists and table-like structures and closely follow dplyr/tidyverse standards and behaviors. ( They will also work on atomic objects.)


... w/atomics used as additional arguments to .na ... w/recurs used as name=...

So .tbl %>% na_replace_all( iris, 3, ...) na_replace( iris, mean, na.rm=TRUE ) na_replace_if( iris, is.cont, mean, na.rm=TRUE ) na_replace_at( iris, ! Species, mean, na.rm=TRUE )

.NA, .Inf, .NegInf, .zero or na, inf, neginf, zero?

Could we do this ....

 tbl %>% na_replace( col1=max, col2=min, col3=0, ... )

na_replace( x, .na=.values, ..., .values ) na_replace( x, .na=.values, ..., .values ) na_explicit( x, .na=.values, ..., .values=getOption('na_explicit.factor'))

na_replace(x, 0 ) na_replace(tbl,col= )

I can see it ... so na, inf, neginf or zero might conflict with column names. Best to prefix with .na, .Inf,

Now does it make sense to

Will there ever be a case where there might be additional arguments passed or these might get mistaken for column names?


decisionpatterns/ documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4:23 p.m.