Extensions to the R whisker package

The package provides missing functionality to Edwin de Jonge's excellent whisker library. Whisker implements the mustache mustache language agnostic, logicless template specification in R. The whisker provides all the functionality for injecting variables into templates, but falls short of programmatic needs for working with templates. For example, often it is desirable to know what variables are used in the template. This is where steps in. provides several enhancemence to increase whisker's utility. These include variable for extracting the names found in a template (whisker_names) as well as finding those names on the stack (whisker_get_all).

Important Functions

Mustache syntax

The syntax of Mustache templates is described here. How the mustache template are used with whisker can be found in the whisker documentation, and below.

Mustache specification

Whisker conforms to the Mustache 1.1 specificaton except for delimiter switching and lambdas. We expect that these will be implented shortly.


The latest version is not yet available on CRAN, but can be installed from github:


# dev_mode()

decisionpatterns/ documentation built on July 1, 2020, 4:18 p.m.