Man pages for dempseynoel/mpinterests
A package for scraping data from the "Register of Members' Financial Interests".

download_mpinterestsDownload Register of Members' Financial Interests
get_donations_and_supportCreate a tibble of "Category 2: Donations and other support"...
get_downloaded_mpinterestsGet the cached Register of Members' Financial Interests
get_employment_and_earningsCreate a tibble of "Category 1: Employment and earnings"...
get_family_employedCreate a tibble of "Category 9: Family members employed"...
get_family_lobbyingCreate a tibble of "Category 10: Family members lobbying"...
get_gifts_and_benefits_outside_ukCreate a tibble of "Category 5: Gifts and benefits from...
get_gifts_and_benefits_ukCreate a tibble of "Category 3: Gifts and benefits from UK...
get_land_and_propertyCreate a tibble of "Category 6: Land and property" entries.
get_miscellaneousCreate a tibble of "Category 8: Miscellaneous" entries.
get_shareholdingsCreate a tibble of "Category 7: Shareholdings" entries.
get_visits_outside_ukCreate a tibble of "Category 4: Visits outside the UK"...
handle_category_entriesHangle category entries
handle_category_tibbleHandle category tibble
handle_dateHandle register date
handle_entryHandle entry column
handle_mp_hrefsHandle MP hrefs
handle_mp_nameHandle MP name
handle_mp_pageHandle MP page
handle_mp_pconHandle constituency
handle_mp_urlsHandle MP urls
dempseynoel/mpinterests documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 2:27 a.m.