Man pages for dengfei2013/GS
Help to prepare the data to analysis the Genomic data in GS

as_tempGenerate the data structure for asreml-w
cv_asremlw_HGet the cv-result that run asremlw in the working directory
cv_asremlw_invGet the cv-result that run asremlw in the working directory
cv_calBuild the H-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and pedigree-full...
gblup_cv_modelGet the arrucacy and other values when run crossvalidation
Generate_asreml_hblup_templateGenerate the for asreml-w
Generate_asreml_templateGenerate the for asreml-w
H_adjust_matrixBuild the H-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and pedigree-full...
helloHello, World!
hinv_adjust_matrixa Build the H-inverse-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and...
hinv_matrixBuild the H-inverse-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and...
hinv_matrix_asremlBuild the H-inverse-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and...
H_matrixBuild the H-inverse-matrix from G-inverse-matrix and...
snp_trans_012Change the Siminute SNP data to 012 format
snp_trans_012_forChange the Siminute SNP data to 012 format
sparse2matGenerate inv to mat, use DMU formart to asreml format
ssblup_run_time_testChange the Siminute SNP data to 012 format
write_mat_to_invChange the G-matrix ginv that contains three columns format
dengfei2013/GS documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:29 a.m.