Man pages for dennisprangle/abctools
Tools for ABC Analyses

abctools-packageTools for ABC analyses
AS.selectSummary statistics selection using approximate sufficiency.
AS.testTest for relative approximate sufficiency between two...
coalExamples of coalescent data
combmattable of combinations
cov.piCoverage property diagnostics
mc.ciDiagnostic plots for model choice coverage output
mincritSummary statistics selection by minimizing a posterior sample...
nn.entWorks out entropy of a sample.
recalibrationABCABC inference with a recalibration adjustment
rsseSimulation error measures.
saABCSummary statistic construction by semi-automatic ABC
selectsummGeneric function for selecting summary statistics in ABC...
semiauto.abcPerforms semi-automatic ABC based on summary statistics...
dennisprangle/abctools documentation built on Sept. 22, 2023, 9:50 p.m.