
This R package implements an epidemics example from

"Lazy ABC" Dennis Prangle (2014)

Available at

nb this example appears from v2 of this paper

The package contains commands to simulate from the model of interest (SIRsim) and to perform lazy ABC, or standard ABC as a special case (lazyABC). Two scripts are also supplied as demos. Both perform the analysis in the paper. "SIRproduction" is the exact code used in the paper. "SIRexample" is a more user-friendly version (less code, more explanatory plots). The scripts can be run by "demo(SIRexample)" or "demo(SIRproduction)". They use parallel processing via "mclapply", so the user may wish to run "options(mc.cores=X)" for some appropriate value of X before execution.

dennisprangle/lazyABCexample documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:25 a.m.