
#' Pokemon statistics up to the generation 7 games (ultra sun/moon).
#'Pokemon dataset containing information for all 800 species of pokemon.
#'Obtained from https://www.kaggle.com/abcsds/pokemon.
#' @format A dataset with 800 observations and 13 variables: \describe{
#' \item{name}{English name of pokemon}
#' \item{Type 1}{Primary type attribute}
#' \item{Type 2}{Secondary type attribute}
#' \item{Total}{Sum of all stats}
#' \item{HP}{Hit points}
#' \item{Attack}{Attack modifier for physical attacks}
#' \item{Defense}{Defense modifier for physical attacks}
#' \item{Special Atk}{special attack}
#' \item{Special Def}{special defense}
#' \item{Speed}{speed stat}
#' \item{Total Def}{Sum of Def and SP Def} ...
#'  }
#'@source \url {https://www.kaggle.com/abcsds/pokemon}
deponent-verb/popgen.stats documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 10:26 a.m.