Man pages for dereksonderegger/OccupancyModels
Functions for analyzing occupancy models using Bayesian methods.

as.OD_OccupancyModelCreate a OD_OccupancyModel object
as.RN_OccupancyModelCreate a RN_OccupancyModel object
coef.OD_OccupancyModelReturn the model parameter estimates
coef.RN_OccupancyModelReturn the model parameter estimates
get_familyReturn the mcmc chain as a tbl_df object
get.familyReturn the mcmc chain as a tbl_df object
inv.logitInverse Logit function
logitLogit function
makeData.ODCreate simulated Occupancy data using the Occupancy/Detection...
makeData.RNCreate Data using Royle-Nichols Occupancy Model
Occ.ODAnalyzes Occupancy data using the Occupancy/Detection model
Occ.RNRoyle-Nichols Occupancy Model
OD.beta2PsiMckenzie Model convert beta to psi
OD.beta2rMcKenzie Model convert alpha to r
OD.Psi2betaMckenzie Model convert psi to beta
OD.r2betaMcKenzie Model convert r to alpha
RN.alpha2rRoyle-Nichols Model convert alpha to r
RN.beta2PsiRoyle-Nichols Model convert beta to psi
RN.Psi2betaRoyle-Nichols Model convert psi to beta
RN.r2alphaRoyle-Nichols Model convert r to alpha
safe_meanSafe Averaging
toRadianTimeConvert Time from 0-24:00 to 0-2*pi
update.Occ.chainExtend the MCMC chains
dereksonderegger/OccupancyModels documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:58 a.m.