Man pages for dereksonderegger/STA578
Functions for a statistical computing course

GelmanCalculate the Gelman & Ruben Diagnostic Ratio
HMCHamiltonian Monte Carlo step of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
MCMCCreate a single Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation
mMCMCRun multiple MCMC chains.
multiplotDisplay multiple plots created by ggplot2 in the same window.
plot_2D_chainsPlot MCMC chains along a 2D density
plot_chainGraph the first few steps of a MCMC chain
plot_HMC_proposal_pathPlot a Hamiltonian proposal path
trace_plotCreate a traceplot from a MCMC chain or chains
dereksonderegger/STA578 documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:58 a.m.