
% A Guide to using dataMashR


This is a guide for entering in data to create a database using dataMashR with minimal coding involved.

DataMashR is a program for R which is able to effectively compile various data files into a database. It's designed so that all information is transparent; it's easy to identify all variables, where they came from, any methods used and if something was entered incorrectly it's also easy to change it.

This program is picky, however. It takes a little longer to enter in data here than it would if you were just creating a database in a single excel spreadsheet and if you have any mistakes it won't compile properly until they are fixed. So take care to be as accurate as possible.

If you are working with multiple people on this project, make sure to pull the project to Github using RStudio when you will begin working on it, and push it to Github when you are done making changes. This gives everyone the most up-to-date version when working on it.

Starting Your Database

This contains information on all of the files and folders necessary to create your database from scratch. If you are using the template, you need only read the first subsection.

Creating a New Database

For starters, you will already need to have RStudio and the datamashR package installed on your computer. See Daniel about this.

  1. You will need to start a new git repository in Github (the + symbol next to your username). Give it a name , whatever you want to call your database folder

  2. Copy and paste the https address it will give you in the next option.

  3. Open RStudio, go to file -> new project ->version control -> Git-> then copy and paste the HTTPS address it gives you into the top line.

    a. This will create a folder in your documents, and this is where your database is going to be.

If you want to use the template I have given to start off your database, copy and paste all files from the template into your newly-created database folder. You can skip to the next section “Entering in Data”. Unless

If you are making a database from scratch or want more information on the folders and files used, then keep reading this section.

The Essentials

Once you have your database folder created, it only contains 3 files (blank, .Rhistory and an R Project file with the same name as your folder). Ignore these.

You are going to need to add all of your files and folders from scratch, and keep in mind all excel spreadsheets must be in .csv format, NOT .xml.

The most important folder is the config folder. This must include the following files:

postProcess <- function(data, lookupSpecies="none"){


Other Folders and Files- Template

Though not necessary for the program to run, you will need to create a few more files in order to successfully incorporate data into your database.

The first folder is the Template folder. This will contain all of the empty files you will need to fill in for each data source in order for it to compile into the database. You need only to copy, paste and rename it for each data source you wish to add. Keep in mind all excel files must be in .csv format, NOT .xml. Here are the files you need to add into it:

   manipulate \<- function(raw) {

Other folders and Files - Output

This folder will be automatically created by dataMashR if not already present. But if you want to know what to expect, here it is:

Other Folders and Files - Extras

You already have everything you need. But here are a few suggestions of folders you may find useful:

Entering Data

This is the how-to of entering data into a database. It's written from the perspective of entering papers from a scientific paper, but it can be applied to a variety of sources. When entering data, copy and paste as much as possible to avoid unnecessary errors.

First steps: studyContact, data and studyMetadata

  1. Copy and paste your Template folder into the data folder. Rename it according to the source you are getting your data from so it's easy to identify later.
  2. Open the renamed Template file. Go into studyContact and enter your name, email and institution you are working for. a. If anyone in the future needs to know who entered this data, they know how to contact you.
  3. All data from your paper needs to be entered into a single excel spreadsheet called 'data' within the template file. Don't worry about altering your column titles too much; it will be done later. a. Ensure all data you want from your source is here in a single table. i. Combine all tables from your data here; ii. Create new columns for data extracted from text b. If any cells are blank for any reason (which happens a lot when combining multiple tables), put 'NA' in them rather than leave them blank i. It's easy to do a 'find and replace' function for this. c. Highlight and copy all of your data before closing the .csv file for the first time. Re-open and check that your formatting hasn't changed. You can paste it back if it has. i. .csv files can mess with your formatting which can be tedious in your data files. But once it survives being closed once, it will survive it again. d. A few things to keep in mind: i. Copy and paste as much as possible. Even for single words or numbers. This drastically reduces errors from mindless typos. ii. Make sure your titles don't have any symbols besides full stops (.) and underscores (_). Anything else will throw R into a fit, so you will have to alter your titles to accommodate this. iii. Make sure your titles don't have units, as this usually means that there are symbols involved. You'll add those in later. iv. Don't mix numbers with characters (symbols/letters) in your columns if the column only requires a number. You need to tell R later whether columns are numeric or character. You can have numeric values in character columns, but not the other way around. 1. This includes all symbols, so standard errors (±) must be removed as well as values presented in a range (2-6). v. The =TRIM function is useful for removing unwanted spaces that can occur when importing tables from pdf format using adobe acrobat. This may save you all kinds of trouble when those odd spaces prevent you from compiling the database. vi. Consider adding a notes column at the end of the table. Sometimes values can use an explanation to better understand them

  4. Fill out the studyMetadata. a. Open this spreadsheet and copy and paste in your headings from the 'data' spreadsheet (using the transpose option in 'paste special' if you right click). They should be listed vertically under the 'Topic' heading. b. Under the 'description' heading enter information about each topic. State what it is referring to, what the units are (if any), and where the information was extracted from. i. This makes things easier if you have forgotten what a variable was referring to, or if someone else needs to know where you got a piece of information from. c. A few things to keep in mind: i. From this table, one should understand exactly what each heading on your table is referring to and where you got that information from. ii. Make sure you copy and paste your heading titles into the topic heading from your data, because they must both match up exactly.

Next steps: dataMatchColumns and variableDefinitions.

Papers will report the same data in different ways, and this next process is what will standardize your variable names and units so you can directly compare data across multiple sources. You will be going back and forth a lot between your dataMatchColumns file and the files in your config folder.

There is no exact order the config files need to be done in. As long as it's done and done accurately everything will work just fine.

  1. Open dataMatchColumns and copy and paste your data titles from studyMetadata into the heading var_in. a. They will be the same as your headings from 'data' but already transposed for you, so it's just easier.
  2. Under the heading unit_in, enter which units your variables are listed in. a. You should have this information already in your studyMetadata
  3. Under the heading 'notes' add anything you need if you end up making any changes that someone may need to know about. a. If in doubt, include it.
  4. Open variableDefinitions. We'll start with this file. a. Under the heading 'variable', decide in what you want your variable to be called in your database, and type it in. You must have an entry for every variable in your paper. i. If this is not your first paper, then likely you will instead find an existing entry that fits your variable from your paper ii. Don't use symbols besides . and _ for your variable names b. Each variable name within a paper must be different, but you will use the same variable name across multiple papers if it is the same measured variable. i. Especially if this is not your first paper -- you want to re-use variable names wherever applicable so that data will end up in the same column and in the same units in your database and be directly comparable. a. For example, looking at nitrogen by leaf mass I've seen N, n.mass, N%, Nmass in different papers, some in different units. It's the same measured variable though, and I want to have all of them in 1 column to compare them. Therefore I called the variable N_mass in my variableDefinitions, and match all of these values up with that single name in every paper.
  5. Under the 'units' heading, type in what unit you want that variable reported in in your database, even if it's different from your paper. You will make a conversion later. a. For N_mass, I chose mg g-1. i. If a column is containing only numbers, you must give it a unit even if it doesn't have one. Call it dms (for dimensionless) if you have to.
  6. Under 'methods', decide whether you should report a method used to obtain these values or not. a. 'TRUE' means there is always a method, 'FALSE' means no method is ever used.
  7. Under the heading type, decide if the column should contain only numbers, or letters numbers and symbols. Type in 'numeric' for numbers and 'character' for everything else. a. If you decided on numeric, you MUST have units reported in the 'units' column.
  8. Ignore 'label'.
  9. 'minValue' and 'maxValue' must be filled in if your type is numeric. This is to create a cut-off point where only values within your min and max values will be included in your database. a. For now, you might want to enter in -999999 and 999999 just to include everything; you can always go back and change it later.
  10. Go back to dataMatchColumns. In the 'var_out' column, copy and paste whatever it is you want to call that variable in your dataset from your 'variable' column. a. For example, I might have n.mass listed in the table from a paper, so it will be listed the same in my data file and therefore under the 'var_in' heading in my dataMatchColumns. But I want to call all nitrogen by mass measurements N_mass in my database because it looks clearer. So I copy and paste N_mass from 'variable' in my variableDefinitions file and paste it under the 'var_out' heading in my dataMatchColumns, in the same row I reported n.mass in.
  11. Repeat steps 4-10 for each variable in your paper that doesn't already have an entry that would suit. You can always come back and change things later if you decide to change your variable name and units. a. Keep in mind: If you change anything in this folder, it must match up with every dataMatchColumns folder that has matching information.
  12. At this point, in your dataMatchColumns you should have your var_in, unit_in and var_out columns completed.
  13. Things you can and cannot have with variableDefinitions a. You can have rows of variables in this table that are not being used in any of your data files. As long as they are filled in correctly, this is not a problem i. It will just be a blank column in your database b. You cannot have any variables in your data files that are missing their matching variable in the variableDefinitions. Everything must be there or your database will fail.

Fix your units with variableConversion.

  1. In config, open your variableConversion folder. Under the heading unit_in, copy and paste the units from your dataMatchColumns. These should be the same ones listed in your paper.
  2. Under the heading unit_out, copy and paste the units from the variableDefinitions; that is, the units you want each variable to be reported in for your database. They don't have to be the same as the ones in your data sources. a. For example, for N.mass I would copy and paste g g-1 in my unit_in column. I decided to report all N_mass values in mg g-1, so I could paste that in the unit_out column.
  3. In the conversion column, you type in a conversion that will apply to all of the values in your 'unit_in' column to get the value in your 'unit_out' column. a. using an 'x' to represent your unit_in column, divide or multiply x appropriately to get the units in your unit_out column. b. For example, to get from g g-1 in my unit_in column to mg g-1 in my unit_out column, my conversion column will have the conversion x*1000.
  4. Things you can and cannot have with variableConversion: a. Every conversion you need must be there, even if the values match and you are not actually converting anything. If your unit_in is % and your unit out is %, it must still be there. Your conversion is simply x. b. If your 'unit_in' value is the same units as another value but typed in differently, (mg/g vs mg g-1 vs mg g*-1), they must all be in there, even if the conversion and unit_out is exactly the same. If anything is unique in any way, it must be in there. c. No two completely identical rows are allowed, so each unique conversion can happen only once. i. R will get confused and not know which one to choose. d. You can have extra rows. If for whatever reason you have a unit conversion in the table you are no longer using, leave it. It won't affect anything. What will be a problem is if you delete it and realize later when your database is not working that you were actually using that conversion for another paper.
  5. A helpful tip: a. Before you compile your database, sort your variableConversion file by unit_in then by unit_out. This is a quick way to scan if you have any exact duplicates that should be removed.

The methodsDefinitions

  1. Open the methodsDefinitions file in the config folder. a. Under the 'Topic' heading, enter in a shortcut. This can be whatever you want and will identify that method to match it to your variable. Some tips: b. As an example, I prefer alphanumeric values, such as a1. Many similar variables are obtained using different methods, so all methods used to obtain nitrogen I call 'a'. The first nitrogen measurement method will be a1, and the next unique one I come across in another paper will be a2. For chlorophyll measurement, the first method will be 'b1' and so on. But do whatever works for you. c. I also like to make a method called x. It's a 'method unspecified' method. Just in case.
  2. Under the 'definition' heading, describe your method and what it is measuring. a. It's up to you how detailed it is, and this information is usually obtained directly from your paper.
  3. Go back to your dataMatchColumns again. a. Under the 'method' heading, copy and paste whatever you put under the 'Topic' heading in your methodsDefinitions folder. i. This will now match up your described method with that value, and can be seen in the database if queried. b. If you typed TRUE in the 'methods' heading in your variableDefinitions file for a particular variable, then it MUST have a method. i. This is where method x comes in, as sometimes a method isn't always reported when it should be. c. If you typed FALSE, then you cannot have a method in the dataMatchColumns. i. If there is one you need to add in, then go back and change your variableDefinitions file (and every other paper already added to your database which also contains that variable).

ANY empty cells in your dataMatchColumns (usually in method and unit_in) must be filled in with NA.

Last step: References

You will need to also enter a reference file into each template folder. 1. Go into Mendeley, enter your paper and let Mendeley extract the relevant data for you. 2. Insert the reference into your template folder a. In Mendeley to go file ->export. b. Rename it 'studyRef' and save it as a .bib (should be the default option) into your template folder. And you are done! It will get easier. Once you add in more papers, many of the var_out values will already be there ready for copying and pasting, methods may be the same and some of the exact conversions you need will already be there. Remember: everything must match perfectly in order for it to mash seamlessly into a nice clean database.

Entering Data from Databases

There are only a few main differences when entering in data from a database instead of a scientific paper:

  1. Your data will likely already be in a single table for you a. It may be a formatting nightmare, but that initial step is done.
  2. Watch out for data that has been calculated from other columns in case you change the order a. It's best to copy from the database and 'paste special -> values' in your data file.
  3. You will not have much metadata a. Still fill out the file, but be realistic; if you are not sure what something is, make note of your uncertainty
  4. You will probably not have methods a. Just use 'method x' for all of those variables that require a method.
  5. Your references may be lacking a. If the database was given to you as raw data or just simply is not a published works that Mendeley can easily process, I have not gotten the references to work. i. I copy and pasted a reference file from one of my other papers. Not the most professional, but it's a temporary solution that hopefully Daniel can fix.

Building Your Database

This section describes how to error-check and build your database, as well as explain the output after the database is built.





library (dataMashR)

Testing and Building

The Output Folder

As mentioned previously, this is the folder where your database is kept and will be created automatically when your database is built. Most files added into it will be self-evident when you click on them. But I'll break it down anyways so you know what to expect in each of the two files:

A few Last Notes

If there are variables that could be calculated using other given variables, that's where postProcess comes in in the config folder. Talk to Daniel and he can arrange for these things to be filled in for you.

Quick Flow Chart

A quick guide to check while working to make sure you don't miss any steps.

Template, studyContact and studyMetadata

  1. Copy & Paste the Template folder into Data folder; rename it
  2. Fill out studyContact
  3. Add all data from your source into the 'data' spreadsheet
  4. Paste all headings from 'data' into studyMetadata
  5. Fill out all studyMetadata information

dataMatchColumns and Config

  1. Open dataMatchColumns - paste in headings from studyMetadata
  2. Enter given units into unit_in
  3. Open variableDefinitions
  4. Create a new entry for your variable if necessary
  5. Otherwise: paste the suitable variable name into var_out in dataMatchColumns
  6. variableConversion: make sure all values in your dataMatchColumns have a conversion
  7. methodsDefinitions: describe any new methods for variables that require one
  8. once all conversions are added: sort and remove exact duplicates
  9. paste the method shortcut into dataMatchColumns

Last Steps

  1. Create your reference with Mendeley, save in your Template folder
  2. Run 'Test' in RStudio; fix errors
  3. Run 'Build' in RStudio. If it works, your entry is complete

dfalster/dataMashR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:11 a.m.