Man pages for dfalster/smatr3
(Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines

alpha.funUtility functions for robust fitting slope estimation
coef.smaExtract coefficients from a 'sma' or 'ma' fit
confint.smaReturns confidence intervals for sma object
defineAxisDefines axis for SMA object
elev.comTest for equal elevation among several lines fitted with...
elev.testOne-sample test of a (standardised) major axis elevation
fitted.smaReturns fitted values
gamma.funGamma function used in robust factor calculations
huber.MHuber's M-estimator
leaflifeLeaf longevity and leaf mass per area for plant species from...
leafmeasLeaf mass per area and photosynthetic rate for plant species...
line.cisSlope and elevation of a (standardised) major axis, with...
lr.b.comLikelihood ratio statistic, assuming a common slope (called...
maMajor axis estimation and testing for one or several samples
makeLogMinorGenerate spacing for minor tick marks on a plot with...
meas.estMeasurement error variance estimation from repeated measures
multcompmatrixMultiple comparisons graphical matrix
plot.smaDraw an X-Y plot
predict.smaPredicting from an (Standardized) major axis estimation
print.smaPrint an object of class 'sma'.
residuals.smaExtract model residuals
robust.factorComputers robust factor for elevation, slope and CI
seqLogSequence Generation
shift.comTest for no mean shift along a common (standardised) major...
slope.comCommon slope test amongst several allometric lines
slope.testOne-sample test of a (standardised) major axis slope
sma(Standardized) major axis estimation and testing for one or...
smatr-package(Standardised) Major Axis Estimation and Testing Routines
summary.smaPrint a summary
dfalster/smatr3 documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 5:25 a.m.