
A tool for setting up R environment with particular package versions

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Currently supports most of cran and bioconductor packages, the exported provide function accepts package specifications in a named list format with package name as the name and version as the value (i.e. provide (NMF = '0.20.5')). The version may be omitted (i.e provide (NMF = )) in which case a warning is issued listing all available versions and the version eventually used. Fill in the version be rid of the warning. The packages will be installed in a structure under ~/.raven by default, can be tweaked with the local parameter to provide or setting the raven.local option

The provide function sets up the library paths and if the optional code parameter, if supplied, will return the result of its evaluation, if not will invisibly return the library paths. The call itself does not alter library paths directly, so if you would like to set up package versions for the console a useful idiom is to set library paths to the result of provide call:

.libPaths (raven::provide (jsonlite = '0.9.14'));

To submit your own package for the repository add a push webhook to to your githubrepository. The package must have a DESCRIPTION file and its dependencies must be resolvable at the time of the snapshot

dfci-cccb/raven documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:12 a.m.