Man pages for dfeehan/dhstools
Tools for analyzing Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)

agenamesmake labels for age groups
cmc.decodedecode a cmc value to a year and month
cpp_compute_occ_expcpp_compute_occ_exp (some) stata .dct (dictionary) files and turns them...
dhstoolsTools for analyzing Demographic and Health Survey data whether or not events fell in a given interval
get.varhelper fns for dhstools
get.weightsget the weights column from a dataframe
make.age.groupsmake an age.groups object
make.even.age.groupsmake an age.groups object with evenly-sized intervals
make.time.periodsmake a time.periods object
occ.exptabulate occurrences and exposures
recode.varmapusing a recode matrix (called a varmap), which has columns...
remap.contigremap a categorical variable to have contiguous numerical...
rename.varsquick & dirty fn for renaming variable names...
same.remapapply the same re-mapping that was used for one factor to a...
simple.fwfread in files that are in fixed width format
window_intersectwindow_intersect a given year (and possibly month) to a CMC value
dfeehan/dhstools documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:12 a.m.