
##' Example household survey data
##' Example of a household survey dataset, used in unit tests
##' and vignettes for the \code{networkreporting} package.
##' @format A data frame with 2,406 rows and 36 variables:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{id}{a unique identifier}
##'   \item{cluster}{the cluster (part of the complex survey design)}
##'   \item{region}{the region (part of the complex survey design)}
##'   \item{indweight}{the individual weight (relative)}
##'   \item{sex}{the sex of the respondent}
##'   \item{age.cat}{the age category of the respondent}
##'   \item{widower}{reported connections to widowers}
##'   \item{nurse.or.doctor }{reported connections to nurses or doctors}
##'   \item{male.community.health}{reported connections to male community health workers}
##'   \item{teacher}{reported connections to teachers}
##'   \item{woman.smoke}{reported connections to women who smoke}
##'   \item{priest}{reported connections to priests}
##'   \item{civil.servant }{reported connections to civil servants}
##'   \item{woman.gave.birth}{reported connections to women who gave birth}
##'   \item{muslim}{reported connections to Muslims}
##'   \item{incarcerated}{reported connections to people who are incarcerated}
##'   \item{judge}{reported connections to people who are judges}
##'   \item{man.divorced}{reported connections to men who are divorced}
##'   \item{treatedfortb}{reported connections to men who are divorced}
##'   \item{nsengimana}{reported connections to Nsegimanas}
##'   \item{murekatete}{reported connections to Murekatetes}
##'   \item{twahirwa}{reported connections to Twahirwas}
##'   \item{mukandekezi}{reported connections to Mukandekezis}
##'   \item{nsabimana}{reported connections to Nsabimanas}
##'   \item{mukamana}{reported connections to Mukamanas}
##'   \item{ndayambaje}{reported connections to Ndayambajes}
##'   \item{nyiraneza}{reported connections to Nyiranezas}
##'   \item{bizimana}{reported connections to Bizimanas}
##'   \item{nyirahabimana}{reported connections to Nyirahabimanas}
##'   \item{ndagijimana}{reported connections to Ndagijimanas}
##'   \item{mukandayisenga}{reported connections to Mukandayisengas}
##'   \item{died}{reported connections to people who died}
##'   \item{sex.workers}{reported connections to sex workers}
##'   \item{msm}{reported connections to msm}
##'   \item{idu}{reported connections to injecting drug users}
##'   \item{clients}{reported connections to people who are clients of sex workers}
##' }

##' Example known population data
##' Example of a household survey dataset, used in unit tests
##' and vignettes for the \code{networkreporting} package.
##' @format A data frame with 22 rows and 2 variables:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{known.popn}{The name of the group}
##'   \item{size}{The number of people in the group}
##' }
dfeehan/networkreporting documentation built on May 17, 2023, 1:06 a.m.