report_edges.sbm: for each vertex, compute the number of connections to each...

View source: R/stochastic_block_model.R

report_edges.sbmR Documentation

for each vertex, compute the number of connections to each block


If this function is called on an undirected social network graph (with mode='all'), then it counts the true number of social connections between each node and the various blocks.


## S3 method for class 'sbm'
report_edges(g, prefix = "d.", mode = "all")



the igraph object


the prefix to use in the variable names that are attached (useful if this function will be used to compute reports more than once)


one of "all", "in", or "out". see Details


On the other hand, if this function is called on a directed reporting graph, then it computes the reported number of social connections (with mode='in') or visibility (with mode='out').

This function is useful for computing edge counts (i.e. ) between individual vertices and the blocks. These edge counts are the building blocks of many network reporting estimators.

Since this function is based on the stochastic block model, it assumes that the groups are mutually exclusive. This could be modified in the future.

Note that, counter-intuitively, mode="in" will compute out-reports and mode="out" will compute in-reports. This is the igraph convention. For undirected graphs (for example, when computing degrees in the social network), use "all".

For example, if the prefix is "y." and the mode is "in", we are asking report.sbm.edges to count each vertex's number of out-reports about each block. If we have three blocks, A, B, and C, then in the graph that report.sbm.edges returns, each vertex will have four new attributes:, y.A, y.B, and y.C.


the igraph object with new attributes affixed to each vertex (see Details)

dfeehan/nrsimulatr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 3:18 a.m.