
Defines functions xts_from_dates xts_bt_dates xts_merge xts_align xts_align_regularly xts_rowapply xts_freq xts_annual_factor xts_to_df_nest

#' Title
#' @param dates
#' @param x
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dates <- c("2018-04-03", "2018-04-10", "2018-04-15") %>% as.Date()
#' xts_from_dates(dates)
#' xts_from_dates(dates, 1)
xts_from_dates <- function(dates, x = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x))
    return(xts(order.by = dates))

  if (length(x) == 1)
    x <- rep(x, length(dates))

  xts(x, order.by = dates)

#' Title
#' @param ts
#' @param from
#' @param to
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' from_date <- "2018-04-05"
#' to_date <- "2018-04-13"
#' ts <- xts(rep(1, 3), order.by = c("2018-04-03", "2018-04-10", "2018-04-15") %>% as.Date())
#' sub_ts <- xts_bt_dates(ts, from_date, to_date, include_from = FALSE, include_to = FALSE)
#' sub_ts <- xts_bt_dates(ts, from_date, to_date, include_from = TRUE, include_to = FALSE)
#' sub_ts <- xts_bt_dates(ts, from_date, to_date, include_from = TRUE, include_to = TRUE)
#' list(from_date, to_date, ts, sub_ts)
xts_bt_dates <-
           from_date = "",
           to_date = "",
           include_from = FALSE,
           include_to = FALSE) {
    from_date <- as.Date(from_date)
    to_date <- as.Date(to_date)

    if (include_from) {
      from_date <-
        ts[str_c("/", from_date, sep = "")] %>% tail(1) %>% index
      if (is_empty(from_date))
        stop("trying to include from_date that is beyond start of ts")

    if (include_to) {
      to_date <- ts[str_c(to_date, "/", sep = "")] %>% head(1) %>% index
      if (is_empty(to_date))
        stop("trying to include to_date that is beyond end of ts")
    ts[str_c(from_date, to_date, sep = "/")]

xts_merge <- function(...){
  li <- make_list(...)

  ncols <- map_dbl(li, ncol)

  col_index <-
      accumulate(ncols, `+`, .init = 1)[-(length(ncols)+1)],
      accumulate(ncols, `+`),

  m <- li %>% reduce(merge)

  col_index %>%
    map(~ {m[, .] %>% setNames(names(li[[1]]))}) %>%


#' Align one xts to another by date
#' @param align_from xts object
#' @param align_to xts object
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xts_align(align_from, align_to)
xts_align <- function(align_from, align_to) {
  align_to <-
      align_to[, 1],
      include_from = FALSE,
      include_to = TRUE

  xts::merge.xts(align_to, align_from) %>%
    zoo::na.locf() %>%
    `[`(zoo::index(align_to), -1)

xts_align_regularly <- function(align_from, freq = .frequency_list){
  freq <- match.arg(freq)
  f_apply <- .frequency_to_xts_apply_func[[freq]]

  align_to <-
    bizdays::bizseq(start(align_from), end(align_from), cal = bizdays::bizdays.options$get("default.calendar")) %>%
    xts_from_dates(1) %>%

  xts_align(align_from, align_to)

#' Apply function to xts rows
#' @example
#' ts <-
#'   data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 3:5) %>%
#'   as.xts(order.by = timeBasedSeq("2018-01-01::2018-01-03"))

#' f <- function(x) c(sum(x), mean(x))
#' cols <- c("sum", "mean")
#' merge.zoo(ts, xts_rowapply(ts, f, cols))
xts_rowapply <- function(ts, f, cols = as.character(substitute(f)), ...){

  ts %>% apply(1, f, ...) %>%
    t() %>%
    matrix(nrow = nrow(ts)) %>%
    as.xts(index(ts)) %>%

#' Approximate time series periodicity
#' @param ts
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
xts_freq <- function(ts){

#' Estimate annualization factor for given xts
#' @param x an xts object
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xts_annual_factor(ret)
xts_annual_factor <- function(ts){

#' Convert xts to nested tibble
#' @param ts N-column xts
#' @param name name of list-column (1xN)
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
xts_to_df_nest <- function(ts, name){
  name = enquo(name)
  ts %>%
    xts_to_df() %>%
    nest(-DATETIME, .key = !!name)
dfyj/wm documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:39 p.m.