
Spatial subsetting in base R

Another spatial subsetting example will use an object representing the countries of Africa, created using attribute subsetting as follows:^[Recall attribute subsetting can also be done in base R with africa_wgs = world[world$continent == "Africa", ].]

africa_wgs = world %>% filter(continent == "Africa")

To further prepare the input data, we will reproject the data to the coordinate reference system (CRS) 32630, its EPSG code (explained in Chapter 6):

africa = st_transform(africa_wgs, crs = 32630)

We can also use the [ operator for Spatial subsetting. The difference is that we use another spatial object inside the square brackets instead of an integer or logical vector. This is a concise and consistent syntax, as shown in the next code chunk. Let's test it with a hypothetical scenario: we want to subset all countries within 2000 km of the point where the equator (where latitude = 0 degrees) intersects the prime meridian (longitude = 0 degrees), as illustrated in Figure \@ref(fig:globe). The subsetting object is created below. Note that this must have the same CRS as the target object (set with the crs argument):

center_wgs = st_sf(geometry = st_sfc(st_point(c(0, 0)), crs = 4326))
center = st_transform(center_wgs, 32630)
buff = st_buffer(center, dist = 2e6)

The data to be subset, or 'target layer', is the africa object created above, which has a projected CRS (32630). Subsequently, spatial subsetting can be done with a single, concise command:

africa_buf = africa[buff, ]

``{block2 type='rmdnote'} If we were using geographic ('lon/lat') data the previous command would have emitted a message warning about assumingplanar coordinates`. This is because spatial operations (especially distance and area calculations) cannot be assumed to be accurate in a geographic (longitude/latitude) CRS. In this case one could justify the use of a lon/lat CRS: the data is close to the equator where there is least distortion caused by the curvature of the earth. It is good practice to reproject spatial datasets before performing spatial operations on them.

The spatial subsetting clearly worked: only countries intersecting with the giant circle are returned (Figure \@ref(fig:africa-buff)):

plot(buff, add = TRUE)

Todo: improve this figure, e.g. by creating a new hidden chunk - still show this one

leaflet() %>%
  addProviderTiles("OpenMapSurfer.Grayscale") %>%
  addPolygons(data = st_transform(africa_buf, 4326)) %>%
  addPolygons(data = st_transform(buff, 4326), color = "red")

Note that countries that just touch the giant circle are selected such as Chad (northeast of the circle). This is because the default subsetting operator is st_intersects(), which returns any type of spatial relation. Other spatial subsetting operations such as st_within() are more conservative, as shown in section \@ref(topological-relations).

buff_agg = aggregate(x = africa[, "pop"], by = buff, FUN = sum)
st_join(buff, africa[, "pop"]) %>%
  summarize(pop = sum(pop, na.rm = TRUE))
summarize(africa[buff, "pop"], pop = sum(pop, na.rm = TRUE))

The result, buff_agg, is a spatial object with the same geometry as by (the circular buffer in this case) but with an additional variable, pop reporting summary statistics for all features in x that intersect with by (the total population of the countries that touch the buffer in this case). Plotting the result (with plot(buff_agg)) shows that the operation does not really make sense: Figure \@ref(fig:buff-agg) shows a population of over half a billion people mostly located in a giant circle floating off the west coast of Africa!

pal = tmaptools::get_brewer_pal(palette = "BuPu", n = 4, plot = F)
breaks = c(0, 1e7, 1e8, 5e8, 1e9)
bb_buff = tmaptools::bb(buff_agg, ext = 1.5)
qtm(buff_agg, fill = pal[4], bbox = bb_buff) +
  tm_shape(africa_buf) +
  tm_fill("pop", palette = pal, breaks = breaks) +
  tm_borders() +
  qtm(africa[st_disjoint(africa, buff, sparse = FALSE), ]) +
  tm_shape(buff) +
  tm_borders(lwd = 3, lty = 3) +
  tm_layout(legend.position = c("left", "bottom"))
detach("package:tmap", unload = TRUE)

The results of the spatial aggregation exercise presented in Figure \@ref(fig:buff-agg) are unrealistic for three reasons:

A number of methods can be used to overcome these issues, and generate a more realistic population attributed to the circular buffer illustrated in Figure \@ref(fig:buff-agg). The simplest of these is to convert the country polygons into points representing their geographic centroids before aggregation, covered in section \@ref(modifying-geometry-data). This would ensure that any spatially contiguous aggregating object covering the target object (the Earth in this case) would result in the same total: there would be no double counting. The estimated total population residing within the study area would be more realistic if geographic centroids were used. (The centroid of Algeria, for example, is far outside the aggregating buffer.)

Except in cases where the number of target features per aggregating feature is very large, or where the aggregating object is spatially congruent with the target (covered in section \@ref(spatial-congruence-and-areal-interpolation)), using centroids can also lead to errors due to boundary effects: imagine a buffer that covers a large area but contains no centroids. These issues can be tackled when aggregating areal target data with areal interpolation.

dgl5gw/geocompr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:11 p.m.