Man pages for dgromer/psymisc
Miscellaneous functions for psychologists

anova_apaReport ANOVA in APA style
apaAPA Formatting for RMarkdown Reports
chisq_apaReport Chi-squared test in APA style
ciConfidence Interval
cohens_dCohen's d
cohens_d_Cohen's d
cor_apaReport Correlation in APA style
cor_tableCorrelation table
dsDescriptive statistics
heightSimulated height anxiety experiment.
hquestSimulated questionnaire data
mean_corMean correlation using Fisher-Z-transformation
moeMargin of Error
petasqPartial Eta Squared
petasq_Partial Eta Squared
plotsigDisplay significance in ggplot2 plots
recodeRecode variables
routlierRemove or flag outliers in a data frame
seStandard Error of the Mean
stats_tableStatistical table
t_apaReport t-Test in APA style
t_testStudent's t-Test
dgromer/psymisc documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:22 a.m.