  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%",
  error = FALSE



The dbcooper package turns a database connection into a collection of functions, handling logic for keeping track of connections and letting you take advantage of autocompletion when exploring a database.

It's especially helpful to use when authoring database-specific R packages, for instance in an internal company package or one wrapping a public data source.

The package's name is a reference to the bandit D.B. Cooper.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Initializing the functions

The dbcooper package asks you to create the connection first. As an example, we'll use the Lahman baseball database packaged with dbplyr.


lahman_db <- dbplyr::lahman_sqlite()

You set up dbcooper with the dbc_init function, passing it a prefix lahman that will apply to all the functions it creates.

dbc_init(lahman_db, "lahman")

dbc_init then creates user-friendly accessor functions in your global environment. (You could also pass it an environment in which the functions will be created).

Using database functions

dbc_init adds several functions when it initializes a database source. In this case, each will start with the lahman_ prefix.

For instance, we could start by finding the names of the tables in the Lahman database.


We can access one of these tables with lahman_tbl(), then put it through any kind of dplyr operation.


lahman_tbl("Batting") %>%
  count(teamID, sort = TRUE)

If we'd rather write SQL than dplyr, we could also run lahman_query() (which can also take a filename).

                sum(AB) as AB
              FROM Batting
              GROUP BY playerID")

Finally, lahman_execute() is for commands like CREATE and DROP that don't return a table, but rather execute a command on the database.

lahman_execute("CREATE TABLE Players AS
                  SELECT playerID, SUM(AB) AS AB
                  FROM Batting
                  GROUP BY playerID")


lahman_execute("DROP TABLE Players")

Autocompleted tables

Besides the _list, _tbl, _query, and _execute functions, the package also creates auto-completed table accessors.

# Same result as lahman_tbl("Batting")

# Same result as lahman_tbl("Managers") %>% count()
lahman_managers() %>%

These are useful because they let you use auto-complete to complete table names as you're exploring a data source.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the 'dbcooper' project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

dgrtwo/dbcooper documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 6:24 p.m.