Man pages for dgrtwo/drlib
Personal R package of David Robinson

accumulate_whileAccumulate a list by iteratively performing a function
add_countsAdd counts in parentheses to a factor or character vector
convert_countryWrap the countrycode package to convert back and forth...
decode_base_62Decode a string in base 62 into a number
expand_gridWrapper around expand.grid more suited to factorial...
extract_strataExtract strata from a tidied survival object
grapes-less-than-times-greater-than-grapesMultiplies matrices after matching the rows of one to the...
json_vec_to_dfTurn a character vector of JSON dictionaries into a data...
melt_multipleMelt multiple matrices of the same dimension into multiple...
relibraryDetach and then reload a package based on a character string...
reorder_colReorder a column of a tbl based on another
reorder_withinReorder an x or y axis within facets
rotate_x_labelsRotate the labels on the x-axis of a graph
scale_percentPercentage scales
scale_xy_log10Log scale for both x & y axes
sparse_castCreate a sparse matrix from row names, column names, and...
sparse_cast_Standard-evaluation version of sparse_cast
theme_blankBlank theme: used to come with ggplot2
vectorized_t_testNote that this comes from functions I previously wrote here:...
vectorized_wilcoxon_testPerform a Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing a metric to each...
dgrtwo/drlib documentation built on Oct. 11, 2019, 6:42 a.m.