Man pages for dgrtwo/fuzzyjoin
Join Tables Together on Inexact Matching

difference_joinJoin two tables based on absolute difference between their...
distance_joinJoin two tables based on a distance metric of one or more...
fuzzy_joinJoin two tables based not on exact matches, but with a...
genome_joinJoin two tables based on overlapping genomic intervals: both...
geo_joinJoin two tables based on a geo distance of longitudes and...
interval_joinJoin two tables based on overlapping (low, high) intervals
misspellingsA corpus of common misspellings, for examples and practice
regex_joinJoin two tables based on a regular expression in one column...
stringdist_joinJoin two tables based on fuzzy string matching of their...
dgrtwo/fuzzyjoin documentation built on May 16, 2020, 11:46 a.m.